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From: Kathe S.
Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 4:11 PM
Subject: Happy New Year ... and New Opportunities
ID: 266661

Happy New Year to all the women who gathered for Constellations of Hope:

We hope you have enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and find yourself filled with hope and inspiration as 2009 begins.

Do you have a vision for Constellations of Hope in 2009?

A group of women met during the Open Space at Petaluma to discuss the 'Ongoingness of Constellations of Hope'. That group is coming together later this month to develop an action plan for Constellations of Hope for 2009. We would love to hear your ideas and inspirations!

Do you have a vision of what Constellations of Hope might do or be in 2009? Please send it to by January 19 so it can be incorporated into our discussion.

Reminder: Still Inviting Your Reflections

Many women contacted us after we sent out this invitation in late November to ask for more time to write their reflections on Constellations of Hope. So we are reminding you -- if you have something you would like to share please respond by January 26.

You are invited to write some of your personal reflections and learnings in a concise, creative way. We are not looking here for evaluative feedback on the venue, facilitation or process. This would be a deeper, authentic sharing about what you experienced and learned.

Listed below are some prompts and questions just to get you started. You might be stimulated by one of these or be inspired by another impulse.

~Your insights and reflects gained about self and others
~How the sharing felt
~How the different modalities felt
~What prompted you to do and see things differently?
~What ideas, inspirations, pictures or visions came to you about collaboration or co-creating?
~How do powerful, insightful thoughts or feeling still linger in your mind, heart or spirit?
~How will you implement your new found knowledge about diversity, dialogue across cultures or leadership styles experienced?
~What ways do heightened awareness connect you to land, air, or water in your own neighborhood?
~Has the meaning of community expanded in your context or spheres of influence in any way?
~What insights have you gained about doing your personal work or your organizational work or your relationship to family and community?
~In listening to our life narratives, what are the elements critical to the Culture of Peace?
~What you learned about separation and unity

Your contribution can be posted on the Bulletin Board at the Constellations of Hope LightPage (using your personal link below) or e-mailed to who will post them for you.

We hope those who are specially gifted will use creative forms such as art or poetry to express what you have learned. We may not use all the responses in their entirety but may choose to extract portions. Authors will be named unless you request that your contribution be included anonymously.

We encourage you to speak from your heart in 500 words or less (about the length of this message). You may be inspired to write more than one reflection.

Thanks for all you do,
Regina Birchem
Dorothy Ettling
Kathy Wanpovi Sanchez
Kathe Schaaf

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