Constellations of Hope From: Karen Tate
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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Inspired by your feedback..... You are encouraged to help spread the word.....

The FOREMOTHERS & WAYSHOWERS SERIES on Voices of the Sacred Feminine...Extended Edition Hosted by Karen Tate 6PM Pacific on Wednesday or from Archives Anytime

Coming in October through January....Don't miss this!

Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio has been creating an archive of the brightest minds of our time for the last twenty months, and for your pleasure during the holiday season, the show it taking a huge step forward. This is my gift to your for your listener loyalty. This is in response to your requests!

Just some of the upcoming guests are:

Layne Redmond Judy Grahn Starhawk Joan Marler Barbara Walker Genevieve Vaughan Patricia Monaghan Charlene Spretnak Riane Eisler Elinor Gadon Isaac Bonewits Miriam Robbins Dexter Luisah Teish Carol Christ Jean Shinoda Bolen .....with more surprises to come!

Be sure to tune in. Or call in. Or send your email questions prior to the show. In fact, be sure not to miss these great guests by joining Blog Talk Radio for free and have reminders of these shows on Wednesday nites sent directly to your email box. And while you're there, please mark Voices of the Sacred Feminine as a Blog Talk Favorite!

And if you'd like to listen to guests from the last twenty months of archives, these interviews live on my personal website and can be downloaded free. Go to

Guests on past shows include: Jean Houston, Barbara Walker, Z Budapest, Riane Eisler, Matthew Fox, Margaret Starbird, Joan Norton, Ava Park, VajraMa, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Fr. Roy Bourgeois, Patrick McCollum, Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, Miranda Shaw, Grandmother Agnes of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Marguerite Rigoglioso, James Reitveld, Dagonet Dewr, Normandi Ellis, Chandra Alexandre, Max Dashu, Lydia Ruyle, Glenys Livingstone, Carol Christ, Selena Fox..... and many, many more.

You can follow me on Twitter now @Karentate108 and subscribe to my free articles at

-- Karen Tate