Sophia Alliance From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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Well, since this is a wide-open forum -- let me just say -- that I am a little disappointed or surprised, Sharon -- that you -- who have been on my networks for almost four years -- beginning with CPWR, and on Global Resonance for a long time -- would continue to post these doubtful and suspicious comments. We did not build trust with you -- after 3,000+ messages -- on the Global Resonance Network?

This morning, as I was browsing around my computer, I came across a pdf flyer for your book, The Root of All Evil.

Just now, after mentioning this to Jeanie -- I put that pdf into the "documents" section of this LightPage group. You or anybody can link to that pdf here:

Of course, if you don't want this link here, I will remove it immediately.

PS -- this list now includes 10 people, several of whom have not turned on their email subscriptions. So, maybe that will help avoid confusion on why some people are not getting these messages by email.

And, also -- if somebody has a better graphic -- that does not show apparently male hands holding the earth -- we can use that.

--- On Wed, Sep 24, 2008, in msg264775, Sharon Mijares wrote ---

I am concerned that two of the four names on this group are the gatekeepers and I'm just not sure where they're at with this. The whole experience has certainly meddled with our trust...

My concerns are that it can be a separate place in which to keep track of what is said? And move us out of the space where there will be a multitude of reactions???

I don't know anymore...

It's all very disturbing as we have been and are devoted to manifesting a feminine model, and what has happened is just "more of the same" (as they say about Washington)...

May we guided with Her Wisdom, Sharon
