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From: Bruce S.
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008, 9:36 AM
Subject: Lifting up our Sisters
Reply to: 264788
ID: 264792

This is great -- thanks so much. Please feel free to put more of your work up there, if the spirit so moves.

I will look into what it might take to fit your graphic into the header of this network....

- b

ps -- you got your graphic uploaded just perfectly. keep clicking, and you will get the hang of this place... :)

ps2 -- if you feel like re-shaping this graphic -- maybe into a format that is no wider than 700 pixels and no higher than 200 pixels -- and has the words "Sophia Alliance" on it someplace readable -- you might do a much better job than me...

--- On Thu, Sep 25, 2008, in msg264788, Martha Paquin wrote ---

I have just finished a 20x20 canvas entitled Lifting up our Sisters. If you would like to use this as a graphic ....please do. It was a somewhat therapeutic painting for me...but there is so much going on...I feel this might be a lenthy series....LV Martha Paquin I am not too great at navigating this website but is should be able to be viewed in the Gallery.


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