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From: Ann M.
Date: Friday, September 26, 2008, 7:31 AM
Subject: Aftershock -- Now What
ID: 264809

Wow....Talk about what's NOT being said, and silence that's deafening...

This last radical move and set of emails sure sent a real ripple through the group, didn't it??

The notes I've received really do seem to be "stunned, surprised and sad."

And as someone else wrote, "sick. and tired."

At the risk of being totally censored (which is another hot topic), Here is a word to the "inner circle" and light pages:


No matter WHAT your personal reasons were -- It was NOT cool to make abrupt and serious changes with key leaders and key programs many support and are involved with, without a warning and without talking to anyone first, then post it publicly and expect the whole group to say nothing, or to blindly support you without asking questions or making comment. (Only sheep or people who don't care would react like that.)

It was NOT cool to shut down our questions, and push back on anyone who remotely disagreed with you -- then censor our emails and influence / control the conversation. In case you didn't notice, most of the questions people asked had nothing to do with personalities, they had to do with organization and process. So the questions were not compromising or out of bounds. Most see no reason why those questions should not be answered -- now that they are on the table. and the fact that you shut them down, made all the questions BIGGER.

Most feel it was NOT right or open a community forum then tell us what to say and not say, think and not think. When you did this, we told you how it looked and felt. Instead of listening you scolded us and called us bad names, and said WE were self-righteous blasters for questioning you!! WOW! all we really asked is how does this work, and can't we find a way to work better that makes win-wins instead of win-lose. What is self-righteous and blasting about THAT -- unless you prefer win- lose??

Most women asked to come together with more openness, and to find a resolution and a process ALL of us could support and follow, now and later. The "leaders" said this was attacking them...

Sorry but --THAT is really messed up!

TRUST and morale is very low, in case you haven't noticed. And I don't think that's because all or half the women on this list are crazy, fear-driven, hateful or "don't get it."Most of us have been around the block a time or two. We get it just fine.

I don't think we have bad attitudes, or PMS, or that we are "reflecting the fearful consciousness in the world." Yes there is such a thing, but in this case, that's a pretty dismissive and self-serving assessment, and it STILL doesn't address any of our issues.

And, for the record, very few people believe this can be blamed on 1 - 2 individuals "out there." Whatever is off base is happening "in here" and reflects a whole culture, not an individual. Blaming us, or others, for these choices and actions shows NO taking of responsibility and confirms what we are seeing, and saying.

I'm glad to know things in NY went well...AND, another new set of positive reports from NY, will NOT erase everything else or bury it, though it may try. I hope you will understand that this time, and make better choices that show more respect.

Many women are waiting to SEE actions that look like wisdom, collaboration and love from "the leaders" and lightpages. Not just read about them. And I don't need more people to "step into leadership" . Right now I'd like to see leadership from the people who are here. ((that will definitely get me censored - sorry for that!)

This is all honest feedback, just like Barb Carson's email was honest feedback. And I think these are all fair statements and fair questions. They are not said to be mean. They are said to be REAL.

Now what? More of the same? Or something new?

Ann Moore

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