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From: Barbara S.
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 8:29 AM
Subject: Acknowledgement for a Deep Contribution
ID: 264825

Dear Sophia 2010 Participants,

Following on the previous email of acknowledgement, I am writing to express appreciation for our esteemed and worthy colleagues -- Lauren Oliver and Kimberly King -- for the 18 AMAZING AND CHALLENGING MONTHS of extraordinary effort they have invested to bring Sophia 2010 where it is today.

Most of us on this list have contributed only a handful of hours -- many of us have done nothing at all -- to birth this possibility and make it a reality. Lauren Oliver and Kimberly King have put in literally THOUSANDS OF HOURS personally and professionally (can you imagine this?), made untold sacrifices and financial investments, and deep contributions to this cause. All who admire Sophia 2010's progress, and will benefit from it in now and the furture, owe these women a debt of gratitude and genuine respect as well.

Kimberly and Lauren, please know your names and contributions are seen and not forgotten by most of the people watching here, and those who really matter. You should have been mentioned (rather than omitted) in the previous email, and I wanted to remedy that now.

You two are ALSO to be congratulated, thanked and acknowledged for all you have done, and CONTINUE TO DO for the cause of Sophia, and Sophia 2010. You are part of her founding legacy, and connot be erased as such. We know you are here, still doing great things for this vision and this movement.

Our thanks to you, and to all the unsung women who work so hard on behalf of a greater good.

Barbara Simpson

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