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From: Bruce S.
Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008, 9:10 AM
Subject: Following this storyline - where does it lead?
Reply to: 264824
ID: 264826

Dear Jennifer Nielson --

Good morning from Santa Barbara.

Since you address me by name in this email, let me say -- that I will be happy to discuss these issues with you here in the context of this forum -- with your permission and invitation.

This is what I said to Ann Moore -- and I meant it then. I say the same thing to you.

We are entirely prepared to be completely transparent, open, and honest, about every issue. However, we have been contacted by a lawyer who has made some vague threats, so we are being a little cautious.

Following the meeting in New York, we had a very happy and positive conference call, and we all agreed that we want the "Open Forum" to concentrate on positive and constructive issues that advance the cause of the conference, in the spirit outlined by the letter from the mayor of Sofia.

At the same time, we recognize the deep concerns of many other participants, who feel that this situation has been confusing at best, and possibly unfair.

Within the constraints of tact and good legal sense, I am personally quite prepared to answer any question -- but I am not interested in "email blast" approaches -- that do not address particular issues with care. I need to be involved in closely-knit dialogue, that looks at questions carefully, that cites actual information and the words actually used by the participants. Otherwise, these messages are not a conversation, with people talking WITH each -- they are broadcast blasts of people talking AT each other. In an online context, that does not work.

With your permission and invitation, yes, I will address every question -- if you agree to enter into a respectful and careful dialogue based on reasonable standards of scholarship and accuracy.


--- On Sat, Sep 27, 2008, in msg264824, Jennifer Nielson wrote ---

Dear Sophia 2010 Group --

I have been watching for weeks with interest, then disbelief. I have been very disturbed by what is happening here. Last night I wrote down the storyline I see, and wondering where does it all lead. Here is the outline I wrote out with another friend on the list:

There once was a Sophia 2010 forum that included "everyone."

Recently something happened to trigger a controversy and hurt within the group.

The Sophia 2010 group was surprised, and immediately began to respond with questions, concerns, and disagreement. They wanted to discuss what happened -- and HOW it was happening.

Two of the "leaders" post replies that seem one-sided and personally attacking. The group reacts with MORE questions, concerns and disagreement.

Now the "leaders" seemed surprised. They (apparently) did not expect a reaction of disapproval community, and are upset to see complaints and negative things about THEMSELVES in print. Linda is angry "the outside world" is hearing these questions and seeing what is happening. The inner group holds a private meeting and decides to shut down the conversation. The circle pleads to leave it open, and not shut down prematurely now that people are finally sharing. But the plug is pulled anyway. For 3 days no one can speak to each other.

The group is shocked, and wakes up to find the community split into two. The original forum is disabled -- NO messages can go OUT except from the new top 3 + lightpages owners. 1/3 of the people are moved to a separate space called the "open forum" (a name that will be called ironic since the open forum is heavily moderated, and sometimes censored.)

Friends on the "other side of the wall" can no longer see, read or hear our questions, or see what is happening in the group.

Many are put off by this action and go silent. Ann and Penny relaunch the 2nd forum with poems and art. Some see this as pretending the questions went away in the silence, and now everything is resolved and fine.

Slowly, the voices of the community start to re-emerge. Messages of concern and mistrust are even stronger now. Many state they have never seen this behavior before, and must ask some operational questions before they can participate in the project going forward.

The recurring themes are -- more answers, more transparency, more professionalism, more compassion, more open-books, more healing and reconciliation, more win-win approaches and resolutions, and generally more Sophia-like behaviors and actions -- matching the words on our website and mission statement.

Instead of taking this feedback to heart internally, everything is externalized -- shot back at the community. The mgmt group (through Bruce and Jeanie) scolds and demeans individuals, and the whole group, for asking questions. They insist all comments about control, censorship and ethical behavior is totally in the minds of the community, and have no basis.

The mgmt team censors more comments and questions it feels the group should not see. We soon learn EVEN POSITIVE EMAILS ARE BEING WITHHELD, which do not violate AN policies. They are censored because they send hopeful messages, and/or voice support for individuals that the mgmt team is seeking to discredit.

People see this, and questions grow EVEN LOUDER and more direct.

Ann holds a phone call to "move on". Many in the community feel this is NOT a sincere or responsible approach, as it ignores so many people's stated questions and concerns. This call happens anyway -- and changes nothing beyond an inner circle group.

A woman named Barb Carson watches all of this and posts an email about "what is being said and not said." MANY people email Barb in private response to share their concerns. Several women state they are "afraid" to speak on lightpages -- and believe they will only be censored anyway, or attacked.

Barb observes how many people in the background have serious questions, frustration and sadness. She decides to pull some quotes from these emails and create a master email (without any names on it). She shares the feedback with the mgmt team and group.

Bruce screens this email. He decides what is on Barb's "Feedback Survey" is so disturbing and potentially upsetting to Linda Stillman she may actually "shut the whole system down" if she sees it. We learn that Linda is already threatening to shut down our 2nd sophia 2010 forum, and stop all 2-way conversation among the community, unless messages meet with her approval.

Meanwhile, Bruce knows censoring this much feedback will be final proof that deliberate and major suppression of information is happening at Sophia 2010.

Instead of blocking it from Linda's sight or email, Bruce blocks it from EVERYONE's site and email, and starts a THIRD FORUM! (with nobody in it). He posts Barb's email in an empty room, in a THIRD LOCATION disconnected from other activity.

The community is shocked again. Bruce insists this is a BENEFIT, NOT a form of censorship or control. Most strongly disagree. Many are now leaving, or thinking of leaving -- and they are telling others what is happening "in here."

The "open forum" is still "open" but (apparently) now censored and blocked more than ever. Questions and 2-way conversation have been largely shut down. The pattern is now repeating itself.

- - - -
My question is: What was the purpose of the open forum? If the 1st forum became a closed space, and you moved everyone to a 2nd space -- why did you shut down THAT space, too? What was the purpose of creating an "open forum" -- and why was it ever named that if it wasn't true???

Many complaints and concerns were related to actions of CONTROL, CENSORSHIP, and LACK OF TRANSPARENCY. If you had just removed or even downplayed the moderator role and the censorship, many questions would have stopped immediately. Why didn't you try THAT first -- instead of doing MORE of the VERY BEHAVIOR people were so upset about???

Now people are REALLY convinced the Sophia2010 culture matches a communist regime (or the bush administration)-- because THIS is what those other models do!!

AND -- Now people REALLY want to know what information and secret deals and activities are so damaging or taboo that we are not allowed to know about it, or ask questions about it? (Not personalities based questions, organization-based questions.)

In closing my questions are:

How far is the inner circle willing to go to make it APPEAR everyone agrees with their decisions and supports what has been happening?

How far are they willing to go to shut down women voices who disagree with certain actions and views?

Is THIS what Sophia 2010 is REALLY about, and how it plans to run?

This is my first time ever posting. Will my first time speaking be censored and sent to the basement, too?

Jennifer Nielson (and friend)


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