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From: Kathie M.
Date: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 10:02 PM
Subject: Thanks Bruce!
ID: 265375

Dear Bruce, I so appreciate your wolf story and your last posting. I feel you captured my thoughts with your statement..."if we could feel our way into this, and just pour some kindness into the center of the circle, and just say -- hey, it's ok, I want to be here, I want to make this work -- this dream is important -- let's figure this out -- let's listen to each other, let's agree that everybody is important -- if we do those things -- the energy in this group can drive a brilliant creative process, and we will all love it, and be grateful that we are a part of it...."

I continue to pour kindness into the center and wait to hear from the Founding Five that they have found a way/some way to move forward. I hope it comes soon. We all have so much work to do to 'pull this off'.

As I learned to say while listening to the Peter Pan story...I do believe in miracles, I do believe in miracles, I do believe in miracles! And, in the beauty that lives within each of these wise women's hearts.

Thanks again. Kathie Murtey

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