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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, October 31, 2008, 2:30 PM
Subject: Finding Sophia's Gift - What Are We Doing Now?
Reply to: 265597
ID: 265599

Just one more point of clarification. The original larger mailing list for this Sophia project includes many people who do not want to receive messages on leadership issues, or other emotive questions -- business people in Bulgaria, UN officials, etc. That original list is now reserved for official announcements. The "Member Forum" is now more or less oriented towards people who want to present constructive energy for the Sophia 2010 project, and is "moderated" (and nothing has been posted there for a some time) -- and this discussion is a wide-open project with no rules or control, open to anyone or any subject. Yes, it's taken a while to create the right kind of discussion framework(s) -- but we have the kind of system we need now, with three different kinds of discussions. This one -- could become powerful and a vital creative force -- if people simply step up and go for it -- that's all it takes. "Leadership", as I see it, will respond as the energy becomes interesting....

If we can get past this notion of "censorship", and let be ok that "the original five leaders" are not (yet?) directly working together, and start building something interesting (what DO you want to do? Let us know!) -- that will help open up the energies for everything else. Go with the Light -- that's where the power is. IMHO. The so-called good wolf....

--- On Fri, Oct 31, 2008, in msg265597, Sharon Mijares wrote ---

Dear Tanya and all:

The same thought came to me this morning. I was wondering if we're a select group and our posts go no further than the 21 listed. Remember before this issue came up there was about 119 or more. So our messages (unless someone copies and pastes them on other lists) are not seen by others.

I know I'm sure in favor of following a feminine path of resolution and healing (this will truly empower the venture), whereas any hypocritical behaviors will create a shadow at the core. This is why our voices are so very important. We are also coming from a true heart place with integrity and this can open doors.

Many blessings, Sharon


Dear Sophia Alliance,

I would like ask this question to the larger group, but know my words would be censored if I tried. (I am still surprised to write a sentence like that!)

I am still connected to Sophia by email, but not much else. I have been sad, frustrated, confused, angry, hopeful, unsure. On good days, I am happy to hear some voices of wisdom still coming from this group, and also in emails I have seen offline. But, I have not seen any real ACTIONS of change, which is what so many are watching for to see if this is real and is developing in a way we can support and trust.

My question is, is there ANYTHING happening in the circle, or behind the scenes, that would SHOW there is an interest in creating a Feminine Model and respecting the input of ALL the women in the circle? Do YOU still have an interest in this?

What is happening now?
What needs to happen now?

I am attending a large gathering this Sunday afternoon and this topic will definitely be discussed. I am wondering how to respond when I am asked about Sophia.

Thanks, Tanya

PS My gathering on Sunday is about our power to create unity and change!


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