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From: Leslie L.
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 10:54 AM
Subject: What has Happened?
Reply to: 266267
ID: 266270

That's a good question, Betsy.

Sadly, from what I understand, the split in the group continues and nothing has been addressed or resolved. So far, "group a" has elected not to sit down together with "group b" to talk or listen, despite all the heartfelt pleas and requests from the community. Meanwhile it now appears the main communication system is mostly one way -- except for "approved messages".

It does appear a few chosen elves have been busy at work behind the scenes making their own structures. I'm sure we will hear the latest big announcements soon -- with all our questions and concerns wiped away as part of the "negativity of the past."

Sorry to sound 'bah humbug!' I was really hoping we would surprise ourselves with a Christmas miracle, but so far that hasn't shown up. There is still time however...( :

Hope everyone is well. I wish you happy holidays in the spirit of peace and forgiveness,

Leslie Levine


--- On Sat, Dec 20, 2008, in msg266267, Betsy G. Stang wrote ---

Dear Ones,

I have received nothing for months about Sophia. Have seen a new web site that seems to be the new coordinating body. What happened?



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