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From: Kathie M.
Date: Monday, January 5, 2009, 8:13 AM
Subject: New Year, New Choices
Reply to: 266522
ID: 266525

Dear Barbara,

Thank you so much for your powerful and positive message. It is the dawning of a new day and Sophia continues to call us to figure out our roles in Sophia2010 and beyond. Miracles still happen every day. Women are rising with new intention and beauty.

Blessings to you and all of us in 2009.

Hugs {{{ }}} Kathie Murtey

--- On Mon, Jan 5, 2009, in msg266522, Barbara Simpson wrote ---


Happy New Year Sophia Circle,

It has been weeks since I wrote to this forum and had not heard much from others until a few flurries of emails December 20 and more signs of life around the holidays. My health sometimes keeps me from meetings and calls but does not stop my connection to you or Sophia.

It has been an eventful and difficult year for this circle. I hope we all have taken this time to think and meditate on what is important, and everyone is ready to begin a new year with a new attitude of reconciliation and collaboration for the good of women and girls everywhere.

The way I see it, we can choose to start this year with the same kind of hurt and righteous divisions we saw last year, or we can choose to learn from our mistakes, come back together and find better and wiser ways where everyone wins and everyone is treated with consideration and respect - the Sophia Way.

From the many letters I've read over the past months, most women in this group, and certainly those in this circle, would be thrilled to see healings and positive changes and will work to make this successful if we believe it is in the right track. I pray that the founders and all of us as leaders are ready to make 2009 a wonderful year TOGETHER.

I look forward to hearing updates from you directly and through the Sophia Alliance.

Happy New Year to all.

Barbara Simpson


On Sat., Des 20, 2008 Ann Moore writes:

Hello Sharon, Leslie, Betsy and All,

Yes, nice to see signs of life in this Circle. That's a small miracle in itself!

I, too, have been watching Obama with pride, and wishing we "wise women" would walk our talk half as well as this gentleman has done. I'm sad to hear nothing significant has changed as yet -- If only we would remember what's important and follow in the ways of our inspiring President-Elect.

Perhaps we will get it right in the new year??!

Wishing you all a happy holiday -- and time to reflect.

Ann Moore


--- On Sat, Dec 20, 2008, Sharon Mijares wrote ---

Dear Betsy and Leslie:

I was wondering if there was any life left in this listserve as I haven't received a post in some time.

No, it looks as though the current leadership does not hold an ideal for conflict resolution, which is very sad. I was thinking of the way Obama is bringing in folks from the right and the left, and basically holding a space with the ideal of everyone working together for an improved U.S. and world. I was wishing the current leadership would "get it" that this is what is needed in order to not have a core that's ill-founded. In systems theory it is believed that a healthy, open system allows for circular loops of communication--so it's nice to see that some of understand the importance of that. Even if we are a small group, we should maintain our connection.

We can still hold good thoughts and prayers.

Wishing you all very Happy and Peaceful Holidays.

Happy Holidays.

Blessings, Sharon

--- On Sat, Dec 20, 2008, Leslie Levine wrote ---

That's a good question, Betsy. Sadly, from what I understand, the split in the group continues and nothing has been addressed or resolved. So far, "group a" has elected not to sit down together with "group b" to talk or listen, despite all the heartfelt pleas and requests from the community. Meanwhile it now appears the main communication system is mostly one way -- except for "approved messages".

It does appear a few chosen elves have been busy at work behind the scenes making their own structures. I'm sure we will hear the latest big announcements soon -- with all our questions and concerns wiped away as part of the "negativity of the past."

Sorry to sound 'bah humbug!' I was really hoping we would surprise ourselves with a Christmas miracle, but so far that hasn't shown up. There is still time however...( :

Hope everyone is well. I wish you happy holidays in the spirit of peace and forgiveness,

Leslie Levine


On Sat, Dec 20, 2008, Betsy G. Stang wrote ---

Dear Ones,

I have received nothing for months about Sophia. Have seen a new web site that seems to be the new coordinating body. What happened?




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