Sophia Alliance From: Ann Moore
Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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Dear Colleen, Sharon, Jenni, Michelle, Kathie, Kimberly, and All:

I am just catching up on the emails from the past two days since Barbara's post on Monday. What a nice flow and positive direction for the new year.

Sharon, thank you for sharing your question and your very interesting story.
Colleen, thank you for your call to come back to the table to talk, reconcile and learn. I agree this is important and still needed.
Jenni, you are so right -- One of us is not as good as the sum of us. We need EVERYONE.
Michelle - yes, the slightest change in energy plus good intention CAN create miracles.
Kathie, yes, Miracles DO happen every day!
Kimberly, thank you for sharing the powerful reminder of why MUST find a way to be peace.

I know many of us hold high hopes for the Sophia group to come together in caring and win-win way. This new year brings a new opportunity to do our highest and best -- and I hope we will.

Best to all,
Ann Moore