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From: Bruce S.
Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 7:24 AM
Subject: Calling the Circle - Team-based Online Activism
ID: 269721

Click here to   download word.docx document

Word.docx document introducing an alliance development tool for inviting organizations to join the alliance. Click image or this link:



Just a couple of notes...

This graphic image is taken from the book "Calling the Circle", by Christina Baldwin (1994).

In my opinion, this design -- similar to the kind of images seen in comparative cultural anthropology or in Jungian psychology -- points towards a profound and powerful kind of "integral ontology".

It shows the tree-structure of the process, as contained within a circle. It shows how "the many" become "the one". It shows the relationship of "part" and "whole". Plus, it is living, organic, and vital.

This design is very similar to the actual structure of a computer operating system, or any kind of tree-structured ("hierarchical") organization. And it points towards the deeply holistic aspect of this organizing/outreach process.

We are combining "right-brain and "left-brain" approaches to organization -- both are important. We can follow the deeply holistic intuition that emerges within the "sacred circle" process, while at the same time, following precise structural models of organization. We can do both. We are doing both.

In my opinion, this model does give us direct access into the deepest power and authenticity and value of the emerging "global women's circle movement" -- as involving people like Jean Shinoda Bolen ("Millionth Circle") -- and, I think, is really the key to fulfilling the vision expressed by the Dalai Lama, when he recently said (in Vancouver, I believe) that "the world will be saved by western women". If that is true, this -- I believe -- is how they can (will) do it.

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