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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 9:09 AM
Subject: I love the idea of being able to continue to weave a rich thread
Reply to: 267276
ID: 267290

BRUCE... I absolutely love the vision of being able to pluck out a delicious "turn of phrase.." etc and respond to it... to keep the thread moving instead of losing it, which I agree happens all the time. This is very good...how you are groking this emerging need and the tool that could grow from it. Yippee. Bonnie

--- On Wed, Feb 25, 2009, in msg267276, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Hi - and thanks for the feedback and participation. It's helpful to see some "content" in this survey format -- plus, it's nice to know that it seems to be working.

As I look over that response page


I find myself reacting as I was hoping I would -- and as other might (?) -- which is, "co-creatively". In other words, as I see responses -- I want to add more, I want to comment -- and keep the thread of this process simple and coherent -- not wandering too far afield, staying in focus...

When I see a series of text responses to one question -- it's a little bit like a "blog" -- and I feel like inserting further comments. Maybe there would be a way to do that -- so that, if I wanted to respond to something Bonnie has said, for example, I could click something underneath her response to a particular question -- and that link would take me back to my response to the question -- while showing me what Bonnie just said, so I could reply to it -- within the context of my answer....

One reason I am interested in this -- is that email messages tend to be "throw-aways". Instead of sticking to something, and working through it -- we get a fascinating email message, give it five minutes, and it's never seen again. That's very hard on the creative chemistry. These are themes we should be looking at for months -- our whole lives are dedicated to them -- why are we throwing away these important messages, and just allowing them to make a small dent in our brains, as we move on to other things? To me, that seems confused and weak-minded. If ten things are really important, those ten things ought to be right in front of us all the time... (??)

Anyway, a few thoughts, thanks for being here. Love,


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