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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 11:48 AM
Subject: Comments in survey responses
Reply to: 267303
ID: 267306

Ms. Bon you are something else :)

I just talked to Jeanie, she is getting on the next flight right now, heading to New York. Her first thoughts on this survey thing -- were mostly centered on Sophia and the Sophia group. She says the CSW event in New York -- is about things like "female genital mutilation" -- so maybe asking 1,000 women how they feel about "circles" might not be totally appropriate. She is thinking about that, and is going to call me when she gets to New York.

But what I was saying to her is -- the great challenge -- is building solid unity and cohesion -- within the context of our diversity.

As we see already in our surveys here -- we have "significant diversity" right within this tiny group. Three women and a guy, who do want to work together, and who have a lot in common -- already seeing things in different terms.

We have to "make that OK". It has to be ok -- that we see things differently -- and not something that derails our process.

So, we need some good questions that consider and embrace this big vision that I think we are holding - - which is something like

  • circles form everywhere
  • every issue is mediated through circles
  • circles can be interconnected in a zillion ways -- the most powerful being through their "common center"
  • that universal common center -- that is "true for everybody everywhere" -- is some kind of universal "sacred" principle -- though for people who are not comfortable with concepts of "sacred", we have to phase that concept in different ways. But (I think we can say) it is still the same thing -- some kind of "universal goodness that can be found everywhere".

I actually think -- that something like this picture -- really is the larger answer we are looking for.

But we don't want to simply assert that at people -- because they are not all ready for it -- and of course, maybe we have something to learn from them.

So, maybe what we do -- is follow a kind of "Socratic method" -- which leads people by asking them questions, which they themselves answer -- in ways that lead them to the conclusions we are trying to propose....

We don't challenge people, or confront or argue with them. We embrace them, and ask them a leading question that draws them towards what we think we see....

I will play around some more with this comment process. I want people to be able to edit or delete their own comments -- and maybe the person who created the survey should be able to do something with the comments....

Bonnie -- when Jeanie calls, I will convey your excitement. I really appreciate it. You just seem to pick up on the lightning -- you get it, real quick...

And PS -- Bonnie -- maybe -- be thinking about some questions Jeanie could be asking -- ?? I think I am going to sketch out a few possible questions.

Maybe not everybody in this CSW group would be into this -- but I want to find things like

  • What is "Women's Wisdom"?
  • Do you believe that women have a unique and special gift of guidance and insight for the world? If so, how would you describe that?
  • Do you believe that women's wisdom and intuition can help the world move through its current crises situation, towards a healthy and positive human future? If so, how can this happen?
  • Do you believe in, or engage in, the practice of "gathering in circle"?
  • Have you experienced and do you enjoy the practice of "sacred circle"?
  • Have you experience the phenomenon of "resonance"? If so, how do you feel about it? Are you interested in encouraging the phenomena of resonance in the world?
  • How would you propose or encourage a sense of unity among women everywhere in the world?

--- On Fri, Feb 27, 2009, in msg267303, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

OMG do I ever love love love this. Yes to finding the common ground, common good, common voice and common humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Leading to beyond gender and sometimes beyond agenda because we are talking collective moral imperative to EVOLVE CONSCIOUSNESS AND CULTURE and we must do this together. BRAVO TO THIS AMAZING BEGINNING. Namaste, bonnie

--- On Fri, Feb 27, 2009, in msg267302, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Hi. Just waiting to hear from Jeanie in the Minneapolis airport, and wanted to mention that I did get a "comment" feature working on these surveys.

It could probably stand some adjustment and finessing -- but it seems to work pretty good. I like it.

So, if you are logged in, you can click this link and respond immediately, adding comments wherever you feel inclined.


This is a new concept and idea, so it will take some time before we perfect how this works. But -- I am excited about it. I am looking for some people who want to probe a large audience. What do we have in common? Where do we stand? What pulls us together, what divides us? This is a fast, clear, and direct way to answer those questions.


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