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From: Akasa W.
Date: Monday, July 19, 2010, 8:40 AM
Subject: LaVone's experience with the grandmothersspeak & the net of light~
Reply to: 270455
ID: 270462

Dear Lavonne...

  I am so happy for you Sister!!!  Such synchronicity evolving for you and those around you and I will be 
looking forward to hearing of your group bringing much to fruition.  I have a very distinct knowing the 
Ancient Grandmothers are smiling down on all of you!  I so wholeheartedly agree that you hold much 
Grandmother medicine within you...and have since I have known you!  :)   I send many blessings on 
gentle winds your way and pray that your endeavors take on special meaning for all of you.

  Thank you for all you do Lavonne, here and elsewhere...we need women like you working the front 
lines to anchor in the energies that are pouring into our Planet from the four directions, and the Star 
Nations at this time.

  I spent the weekend connecting with the Conscious Convergence and my how powerful and moving 
that is!  So many shifts occured within me, all for the better, and I am feeling more in tune with each 
passing hour.  Now I am making plans to go and bless the water at our local Mill Pond and some other 
small lakes around here.  As I connect with the seeds planted this weekend for the Tree of Life, I am 
bringing along my watering can to keep the seed watered and bring it to bear fruit as I think that is 
most important.  So...

Much Heartfelt Love going up this morning for Water Keepers everywhere, The Grandmothers, The 
Ancient Ones, The Star Nations who are assisting us in our endeavors, and Mother/Father God, & Holy 

  With Love, Honor and Respect...

--- On Sat, Jul 17, 2010, in msg270455, 
Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Dear Waterkeepers please forgive me posting here rather then in the blogs section. I don't have time to 
investigate it abilities with the Conscious 
Convergence activities this weekend however I felt the email arriving in my email from 13 Grandmothers' 
Virtual Council was telling me "it is time".

I will start with a little background: I have been drawn to the Grandmothers work for several years now. 
I always hesitated to reach out since I am 
younger then grandmother age.  What could I contribute? I have been listening to the work that the 
Grandmothers do, learning from them. I shared 
with my close circle about my desire to deepen my connection and yet my feelings of not being a 
mother/grandmother. That I felt I would continue 
to learn from the wings and I wanted to be more engaged. My friends told me you carry Grandmother 
energy and although you 
might not be a mother or a grandmother this energy is not in a literal sense.  They said you do much 
work for the empowerment of women, you 
study ancient traditions and do Water Blessings and speak to Mother Earth. That is all you need. 

I heard of Sharon through Gather the Women and had for the past several years probably at least 7 had 
hoped to get to meet with Sharon in Laguna 
Beach, maybe 90 minutes from my home . Something always took me down another path. I started 
working with Evolutionary Women, 
Co-authored a book continued with my Women' Retreats and Water Blessings started this Lovely 
Community. Yet Grandmothers Speak both the 
organization and the teachings kept weaving through this tapestry I call my life. Once again after the 
Solstice Virtual Gathering I set forth to make 
that connection. When I went to the website I saw Linnea was offering her last meeting in Huntington 
Beach closer to Long Beach then Laguna 

I reached out to her two days before the meeting (on a very powerful weekend) and told her my story 
and I asked if I could join their meeting 
although it was the last one. "The timing seems right I said, I am being directed to deepen the 
connection". She agreed, gave me directions and 
some food for thought "She would be looking for someone who would be willing to take over the 
meetings". She had been hosting them for two 
years and it was time for her to focus on some other studies. Hmmm..... Is it coincidence that now is 
the time I make the connection and on this 
powerful weekend? I felt I would let the universe show me where I was supposed to be and in what 
role. Just be open to the experience.

I started to Huntington Beach with no expectations an Open Heart and the excitement of a small child.I 
arrive first and it gave me a few moments to 
connect with Linnea. As it turned out there were three of us who were new and were all from Long 
Beach. Of all things right. We out numbered 
those from any other area. We all said hmmm.... The meeting opened up with prayer and some 
beautiful flute music and the off we went. We read 
and conversed and it turned out that everyone wanted to receive the empowerment not just 
the "new girls from Long Beach". Linnea asked if we felt 
comfortable with first receiving the empowerment and then giving the empowerment. We said yes.  I 
have to admit I was a little nervous but I had 
faith that the grandmothers would provide the language and get me over any humps. 

It was a beautiful exchange of the the empowerment and as I had hoped the right words came 
although I did not know all of the songs. When I 
stumbled I just let words come into my heart and out my mouth. There wasn't a dry eye in the group 
we could feel the power given back to us and 
the Love that would sustain us.

Then we came back to circle and we had a discussion about who felt called to action. Myself and 
another Long Beach gal both spoke. She spoke of 
not having a place to host the meeting and I spoke of being called out of town for work alot sometimes 
for up to 90 days. However we both felt 
strongly we were the ones. We knew why as the conversation continued, we discussed the possibility 
of using a room at Spiritual Center that I know 
of, that we would share the meeting and it would make a large network. The Women who had played 
the flutes at the beginning stated she had 
been looking for a place to do a Flute Circle and invite in the Drums.  We are now moving this forward as 
a collaborative effort and looking at it as a  
community. We all feel this is right. Of course there are details to work out however I know in my heart 
this was all put in motion by the 

I will let you go for now, I have just touched on the surface however you should get a feel for the 
power of the meeting and the whole weekend 
was like that one thing after another. I have really been looking forward to what will show up this 

With an open heart and much Love,


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