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From: Akasa W.
Date: Monday, July 19, 2010, 8:48 AM
Subject: Water Ceremony on Saturday July 17, 2010
Reply to: 270458
ID: 270463

Dear Shalahnia....

  I continue to support, in my little corner of the world, the Deer Clan Women and Yvette and All 
Women who are being called as they encircle Mother Earth and all of Her inhabitants in Healing.  I walk 
and talk in prayer....the Seeds are being planted everywhere!!!  :)

  Pilamaya Dear One!

--- On Sat, Jul 17, 2010, in msg270458, 
Shalahnia K wrote ---

Just a reminder to support Yvette and the Deer Clan Women in ceremony this weekend, especially at 
sunrise tomorrow,
Sunday, 7-18-10.



--- On Sat, Jun 26, 2010, in msg270255, 
Lavonne Rees wrote ---

One of our Dear sisters from another light pages group (gather the women) has shared this wonderful 
message about an
even they are putting 
together. I  will be will be "gathering the women" on our side of the world and joining together for a 
ceremony at the same time Yvette's 
group is, and making offerings to the water. I show of unity, community and heartfelt Love for our 

Message from Yvette:

If someone from your group is able and feels moved to do so, they are certainly welcome here as well.  
I think it is
an incredibly wonderful idea for 
you to "gather the women" on your side of the world and join together for a prayer ceremony at the 
same time we are,
and make offerings to the 
water.  We will be drumming, dancing, and doing an all night vigil with a sunrise ceremony in the 
morning.  That
would be a good time for your 
group to connect with our circle at the psychic and spiritual level.  Thank you so much for your support.  
love, light and blessings to your 
circle, I wish you well.

I would like to invite all the women from the four corners of the country to come and join us for a 
water ceremony
on Saturday July 10, 2010 in 
South Padre Island. This gathering is for women to come together for a Native American healing 
ceremony of prayer
for the ocean, and all earthly 
bodies of water. This hemorrhaging that is occurring in the Gulf is extremely dangerous not just for the 
ocean but
for all of mother earth and her 
inhabitants. Great catastrophes are due if this great wound continues to bleed. Women of all nations 
and all colors,
the time is now for us to come 
and form a beautiful rainbow circle of healing light, love and peace. This is why we have all asked to 
come to the
earth at this point in our historical 
history and spiritual evolution. The time of our divine awakening is now, our mother earth is in extreme 
peril. She
calls upon us now for help. We 
must come together to speak and pray to the water, to intervene in her most dire moment of need. 
Please ladies, what
little sacrifice can we make 
for all that our mother does for us. Make the trip, come join us, we need you now. The "Deer Corn 
Women" of the
Southwest need you. Please 
contact me at (210) 618- 8189, if you can attend, and want further details.


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