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From: Anne Frances M.
Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 5:31 PM
Subject: Getting More Specific and Methodical with Our Intentions-Monthly Medicine Buddha Haven
Reply to: 270495
ID: 270497

Thank you so much Shalahnia. I so appreciate it. I hadn't located the correct Great Mystery post!

We had a beautiful ceremony the other night. I did a little research myself and came up with the following:

from World Wildlife Federation:- 10 Most At Risk River Basins- Listed along with their Threat (note Lake Victoria is here)

River basin Corresponding Threat 1) Salween - Nu River Basin- Threat-Infrastructure - Dams 2) Danube River Basin - Threat-Infrastructure - Navigation 3) La Plata River Basin Threat- Infrastructure - Dams and Navigation 4) Rio Grande Rio Bravo River Basin Threat-Water Over-extraction 5) Ganges River Basin Threat-Water Over-extraction 6) Indus River Basin- Threat Climate Change 7) Nile-Lake Victoria Threat-Climate Change 8) Murray-Darling River Basin Threat-Invasive Species 9) Mekong - Lancang River Basin Threat-Overfi shing 10) Yangtze River Basin- Threat Pollution

I also saw on a quick pass the listing of the Indian Ocean as the most polluted ocean and the Mediterranean Sea as the most polluted sea. I took the 10 river basins and these two along with the Pacific Ocean 'Garbage Patch' and added them into the prayers for the Medicine Buddha. I will be adding them monthly to the list after the full moon and continuing to do some research on need. And yes yes yes Shahlania- you can/we can put as many waterways in as we like. So far there has not been that much global interest on that site for water but I would really like to change that. There is so much positive intent around use of the Medicine Buddha for healing on all levels by many people and it will really help give our waters much needed attention.

For my own individual work I will hold Lake Victoria=Nile Basin with everyone here now but for the Medicine Buddha site- please feel free to add waters, lands, 2 leggeds, 4 leggeds- wherever you want healing.

Thanks also for that latest beautiful inspirational video. It is so beautiful to have these images as I sit with intention with our waters.

with love and gratitude, Anne Frances

--- On Sat, Jul 24, 2010, in msg270495, Shalahnia K wrote ---

Dear Anne,

since no one else has answered,~ There are storms in Akasa's neck of the woods and Lavonne is very busy, I am pasting the original post Akasa made on July 21,1020 on the post title, Water ~ The Great Mystery. Lake Victoria is the current project. It was on the calendar, but I do not know what happened to it. I am going to try an experiment here:

Oh My God, It Worked!

I will put a request at the Medicine Buddha site for Lake Victoria after the full moon. There will be more than one waterway during a month, but I think that will be OK, yes?

Love and Blessings


Okay, so in keeping with my idea for yesterday and the response I received from Shalahnia and Lavonne I quickly just did a Google search this morning for the worlds most polluted rivers...as rivers all flow to the seas and oceans...thought that might be a good place to start? So here is a link we can all go to to start this off maybe unless someone else has a better idea? The link is: http://www.netflipper.com/worlds-dirtiest-rivers-and-lakes/ Perhaps we can start with the first one on the list and give it from Wednesday (today) until Wednesday next as we pour our blessings in to the river and then move on to the next one? I will keep track of them as we go, unless someone else would like to do that? I know we all lead busy lives but all of us are in this together so anyone who would like to do this is more than welcome. :) So the first one then we can all begin praying for and sending blessings to would be: Lake Victoria borders three countries in East Africa - Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - making it extra difficult to negotiate cleanup and pollution prevention. As there are few enforced regulations, residents wash cars in the same lake water that sewage water is regularly released in and that they also end up bathing in. Even worse, people who come in contact with the water are susceptible to coming away with several diseases including, schistosomiasis, bilharzia, cholera, pneumonia, diarrhea, and several skin diseases. I will attempt to get this displayed on our Calendar within the group today...hopefully it will be user friendly? LOL

--- On Thu, Jul 22, 2010, in msg270488, Anne Frances Martin wrote ---

Hello Beautiful WaterKeepers- Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I feel so grateful to cultivate my water practices with all I am learning. Tonight I am participating in a ceremony called a Medicine Buddha Haven. It is a beautiful ceremony utilizing the Medicine Buddha Mantra to support healing on all levels. One of the things that we do is pull the names from the website www.worldwidehealingcircle.net that have been put on by people around the world who are asking for prayers. It is so sacred to pull the names of every 2 legged, 4 legged, waters, lands, etc. that are calling for prayer. I realized with some of the shares here that I would like to get more specific for our waters. I have always been putting in oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, brooks and more recentlly the Gulf, but I would like to be more specific, SO, here's my invitation, and request:

1) this website is always open, if you would like to add names of people, places, 4 legged, winged, or wingless, please feel free to add the names. Full moon to full moon is the cycle- all over the globe as people conduct Medicine Buddha Havens or other rituals, the list is pulled and put in the circle. It is a wonderful way to power up your prayers.

2) If someone has some ideas for how to methodically and specifically do our waters, I welcome those. I misplaced the email that focused on the world's most polluted waters, but I would love to add some more specificity for this evening's ceremony, if anyone has any thoughts.

with deep love and gratitude, Anne Frances



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