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From: Anne Frances M.
Date: Thursday, August 5, 2010, 6:11 AM
Subject: Heart of Dryness- James Workman Book
Reply to: 270578
ID: 270583

Hello Beloved WaterKeepers & Blessers- Akasa, thanks for posting the alternet article on water scarcity.

I just finished the book Heart of Dryness by James Workman. I highly recommend this book- the author does a beautiful job of detailing the plight of the Bushmen & women in the Kalahari desert of Botswana and their extraordinary relationship with water, at the same time that he talks about our water issues globally. It was so painful to experience what the Bush people have faced in having their lands and ways disrupted, exploitation in the face of 'progress' for diamond mining and other reasons. Not unlike other tales of exploitation of indigenous peoples but this one is very specific to water and drought, and how ingeneous the Bush People are in their adaptation to natural drought. There is so much information in this book about our waters. I kept getting chills as I read it. really received it on a soul level.

I remain so touched and fed by our connecting here around the world iin the name of our waters. Thank you to all of you for creating, engaging, sharing.

with love and gratitude, Anne Frances

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