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From: Shalahna K.
Date: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 1:32 PM
Subject: Beautiful Water Practice from Dhyani Ywahoo
ID: 270657

I copied and pasted this here because the videos on eh blog cover up some of the words. A most beautiful practice. I especially appreciate the aspect of the water as medicine and its ability to continue its healing work as it move through us and back into the greater water cycle. The third aspect of this practice is new to me. I am familiar with the daily review, but not incorporating the water. I will adapt this as best I can!

More info about Dyhani Ywahoo http://www.sunray.org/dotnetnuke/VenerableDhyaniYwahoo/YwahooLineage/tabid/103/Default.aspx

Much Love Shalahnia

Water Practice (3 levels) by Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo http://sunraypeacevillage.blogspot.com/2010/07/water-practice-3-levels-by-venerable.html#links

Dear community:

Our planet and all our relations see more clearly that we are deeply connected as the oil from the asphalt volcano in the Gulf of Mexico flows into the Atlantic ocean.  Consider that water is medicine and the elements are aspects of consciousness flowing through all beings and that our thoughts and prayers may guide the elements towards balance and harmony.  We have experimented in various places the reawakening of dry springs through these prayers with success.  I invite you to participate in energizing the healing of the Gulf of Mexico and our planet with prayer and correct action.

These prayers are based on teachings from my grandparents and Chief Thunder Cloud.

Water Practice (3 Levels ) by the Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo

1)Realize water is medicine.

Prayer When Drinking Water As I receive this water and it flows through me, May it become medicine dispelling all ills, May it become medicine revealing the wisdom within and through out. I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me and becomes vapor, May it purify the atmosphere May it nourish the wisdom potential in the people I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me, and returns to the water table May it remove the impurities of chemicals placed within the water May the water be made new again May this water become medicine for all beings in this and all worlds

2) When people are without enough water, go outside, preferably to a place where there has been a spring. If the spring has dried up go to that spring and stand near it and look to the east and hold either a gourd, cup or glass full of water, up to the sky and say:

Prayer To Bring Water

Thank you for this gift of life Thank you for the gift of water We appreciate this water that you have given Now the earth is dry and the trees are crying, Please accept our offering of this water Please accept our apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

· Pour some water on the ground. · Then, turn around and in each direction · Take four steps forward and repeat this prayer. · Step four steps back and turn to the next direction. · Repeat the prayer; doing this until you have prayed to all four directions.

3). This level is done at night to see and hear the sounds of those who are crying. Pour fresh water in a special glass that you use just for the purpose of this practice. Before going to sleep go to each corner of your bedroom and offer a bit of smudge, incense, or smokeless incense.

To each corner of the room make this offering prayer:

May what is outgrown become compost for the wisdom seed to flourish and grow May what is outgrown become compost for the wisdom seed to flourish and grow May what is outgrown become compost for the wisdom seed to flourish and grow

Take the glass of water to the window holding it up so you can see the moon; or if it is not visible hold it up, saying;

This water, may it become medicine to benefit all beings May this water be a mirror that reveals all

· Sip the water · Put it beside your bed and as you are lying in bed review the day · Look at, how did I listen to others? Did I respect the people I met today? · See above you the light and bring it into your heart and central pathway

The task in the dreamtime is to be able to raise your hands to the sky. This may take some time. What is significant in the dream body is to be able to raise your hands. Then you have awakened the awareness of the illusory body and the body of light. Through doing so you may benefit others through the dedication of your actions and the manifestation of ever more skillful methods.

This awakening is also to bring rain. Once you get your hands up in the air in the dream body, then you invite the rain to fall in gentle ways to nourish the seeds of wisdom in the people. Pray for the sweet waters to flow to give the people all they need.

When you wake up give thanks that another day has come, that the sun rises again, and hold the water up to the sun, giving thanks for this medicine:

May this water flow through me as medicine May it return to the atmosphere as medicine May it return to the earth as medicine

How we receive water is very precious because water is the gift of life.

Close each level of practice with a prayer of dedication.

May this benefit all beings in this and all worlds.

Wadogh, Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo

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