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From: Shalahna K.
Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 10:24 AM
Subject: The Healing Water Project
Reply to: 270736
ID: 270737

Dearest Sister,

How timely to be having Onandoga Lake as our healing project this week. Just yesterday I received a most beautiful meditation from Peacemaker. how wonderful also about your sister! I am most grateful!

Onandaga Lake is the site of the founding of the Iroquois League of Nations. It is where warlike Tadodaho, the Onandaga chief was healed by song, accepted the good mind brought to mankind by the Great Peacemaker, and entered into the Great Law of Peace. Beautiful and appropriate as we near Peace Week 9-14Through 9-21.

Also nice to know this! "Onondaga County is spending $500 million on a 15-year project to stop polluting the lake with sewage by 2010. The county is under a federal court order to make the lake safe for swimming and fishing and comply with the federal Clean Water Act.

In recent years the lake has become an overwintering spot for bald eagles." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onondaga_Lake


Much Love and Many Blessings


--- On Thu, Sep 2, 2010, in msg270736, Akasa WolfSong wrote ---

Good Morning Water Keepers!

I am sorry I am late getting this posted...things going on at the homefront have kept me from the computer and I very much apologize...will try and catch up the rest of this week now. The present focus then for the next dirtiest river will be for Lake Onandaga (U.S.) ... Lake Onondaga (US) is so polluted it was designated a hazardous waste site by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Phosphorous, ammonia, nitrite, mercury, bacterial contaminants, from a long history of industrial activity in the area, along with non-point source pollutants, combine to make this lake one toxic soup. Source: http://www.netflipper.com/worlds-dirtiest-rivers-and-lakes/

Onondaga Lake Pictures, Images and Photos

Onondaga Lake Pictures, Images and Photos

I pray each of you are well in Spirit and Body...and I send my Blessings on the Gentle Winds to you. I remain connected in Heart and walk with you all. This evening, weather permitting, I am going to Lake Victoria in a very nearby city, to Bless the waters there and pray for complete Healing. I will be taking my Blood Sister Penny with me to do the ritual/ceremony. This will be a first for her, so it is exciting to me to be able to share this part of my life with her. We have been separated by geographical distance for some twenty years and she is relocating in my area now, so I hope I have finally found a soul who is as hungry to do this work as I am.

To the work of the Blessed Universe then I say....Namaste' !!!! In Divine Love, Akasa


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