Water Convergence From: Shalahna Kim
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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We have some Dear Ones who will be in New York for the Commission on the Status of Women: we can support them in our prayers and with water blessings.

As Jean Shinoda Bolen states. " I think that space and time are bridged by the heart and that heart-connected activism taps into a sacred field that supports making this world better for everyone. Prayer, ritual, meditating, visualizing—however it is done, we nurture each other’s soul and spirit through this... the giving, receiving and adding."

I received the following information through the Ways Women Lead newsletter of that group here on Lightpages. I think you will need to join to access it. I am posting so you are able to get the info in time, and perhaps join them in prayer support as well as water blessings in your area.


Jean Shinoda Bolen, Ann Smith and many others invite you to join us during the UN Commission on the Status of Women 55 Session (CSW), February 22 – March 4, 2011, New York City.

There are 3 specific requests for prayer:

1. February 18, at 11 am EST, 8 am PST.
Jean Shinlda Bolen will be having a phone conference with with Michelle Bachelet (who heads UN Women) discussing the need of a UN Fifth World Conference on Women.

http://www.5wcw.org/ for more info

2. Wednesday, February 23rd, 4 - 5:30 pm EST.
We will be in conversation about the Fifth World Conference on Women at CSW on Wednesday, February 23rd, 4 - 5:30 pm EST.

3. Thursday, February 24th, 2.30 to 5pm EST.
The UN Women’s Circle Workshop is being given at the CSW

Water Blessing

The following Water Blessing Ceremony is an integral part of the UN Women’s Circle workshop. We invite you to join us any time convenient to you or at the same time as the workshop using your own cultural, religious, spiritual blessings/prayers, songs and dance that honor you and your sacred circle and the preciousness of water in bringing us together as One. Bringing water from our home area, each woman and girl pours their water into a communal vessel, stating their name, where they live, their organization if applicable and a hope for their UN Women’s Circle gathering and UNCSW.

Bless this Water, Bless each one of us as co-creators of a new Earth, One Circle, One Connection, One step at a time. Bless this water, Bless all the water of Earth, transforming pollution into clean and safe water for all. Bless this Circle and all UN Women’s Circles who together will bring justice and peace for all Creation.

May we give them deep and rich support!
