Bridge Across Consciousness
"The Gospel of Thomas teaches that recognizing one's affinity with God is the key to the kingdom of God."
Beyond Belief, The Secret Gospel of Thomas - Elaine Pagels

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From: Nisa K.
Date: Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:18 AM
Subject: Tree vs. Net
Reply to: 262514
ID: 259997

Dear Bruce:

For a long time, I have been feeling that underneath all I do, I have an inspiration to "unite Science and Religion". As you say it is a huge undertaking and throughout history it had been more of a dream of the Greats than a reality. So, part of me feels silly for even thinking this.

You are describing your thoughts towards this very effectively and beautifully. I can see that you're quite immersed in it. That's wonderful.

I feel I understand most of what you are expressing. Another perspective that comes to mind is that the 'tree' (left brain) is sequential, whereas the 'net' (right brain) is parallel. The computer scientists understand this sequential and parallel computing and their differences very well. Parallel is more powerful – perhaps doesn't surprise you.

I feel my female side is parallel and more intuitive. For the most part, I used sequential (left brain) for my scientific work. Now going forward, I am in tune with both, I think. But, I feel I am still stuck in "linear time" in a big way. I think it may be a long journey before I/we experience more of "timeless", meaning beyond linear time. But, each of us is different and has different combinations of both right and left.

Looking forward to learning more of your thoughts and findings.

Thanks for being there.



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