Love Radiance Intention From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Saturday, December 13, 2008
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This reminds me a little bit of the Stevie Wonder song -- "Superstition"

"If you believe in things you don't understand, you suffer...."

--- On Sat, Dec 13, 2008, in msg266170, Verronika Walch wrote ---

We are creating a book comprised of stories from students of EVERY religious or spiritual tradition, who want to share a story or two about how foolish or bizarre they (mis)behaved in the course of attempting a spiritual life. We are definitely NOT interested in tearing anyone or any system down with this book, only laughing at ourselves - the joke is on us.

It seems to us that that is a very important energy or connection to advance out in the World at this late date: have a laugh at how good hearted, but absurd, you behaved under the pressure of a spiritual regime. And even more: what do you NOW understand about yourself that you certainly didn’t understand back then!

One of the interesting issues that has arisen for us is to find that many people can’t see anything whatsoever humorous or funny about their past experiences! They tend to either regard their experiences as either sacrosanct and totally precious, or else as a traumatic and a disaster, best forgotten about.
