Gather the Women Global Matrix From: Martine D'Haeseleer
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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Hi Barbara

I am very 'sensibilized ' by the african communities that we can help

An association ong in Kenya has a sustainable project of farm toursim that they want to develop.

Lots of kids overther lost their families.

so if this is a project where you can bring your help than ok

Ill put you in contact with Jared the president

He is an 'old soul in a young man' and dedicates his time to help his community.

very busy.

I have all the pictures of what they do

but unfortunately i do not have much time to create a web for them or a blog

Please contact me

if you feel this is right to you

and if the woemn of our group have other beautiful ideas to help

let me know


--- On Tue, May 19, 2009, in msg267984, Barbara Carter wrote ---

We at the 21st Century Suffragettes are looking for a Charity to support, the 21st Century Suffragettes is a growing number of women who have found a way to tap into to the vast profits of the telecoms industry and create a monthly ongoing income for ourselves.

It is now time for us to support a Charity, we want one that ; Is out of the ordinary Women everywhere can get passionate about Needs continous funding Could benefit from the help of other women

If you know of such a Charity anywhere in the world then please let me know.

Namaste Barbara
