Evolutionary Women From: Patricia Bisch
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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Freedom From Food New Teleseminar!! March 23, 2010

"Freedom From Food is a small masterpiece. It takes us into a deeper field of reality where thought creates and applies principles and practices to the most physical aspect of our lives. Demonstrating this "Quantum Weight Loss Approach" not only serves to regulate our bodies but also our whole lives. I recommend it to everyone."

Barbara Marx Hubbard Author of "Emergence and Conscious Evolution: Awakening Our Social Potential"

Dear Interested Friends, -How many diets have you tried? -How many times have you condemned yourself for being a a failure because you think you are overweight but have felt helpless to change this condition? -Are you ready to let go of beliefs and judgments and learn how to empower your mind and emotions so that you can eat and not gain weight from food? 2010 is the time to start out fresh stopping those old ways of trying to lose weight that have not worked and opening up to the new. You are far more powerful then you think which means that you can learn to empower your thoughts and beliefs so that food no longer puts weight on your body. Any person permanently in their perfect proportion will tell you that they know that they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. It is this integrated belief system and focus that is taught in this program. Learning to deal with doubts and sabotaging thoughts is a practice that when mastered will change the cells of your body. This is what Freedom From Food teaches. There is abundant scientific evidence that your mind and emotions are actually affecting your weight more than the food you eat. I invite you to join this cutting edge weekly teleseminar that will shepherd you through this process taking you from where you are to where you want to be. I will take you through the practices and coach you through the 2 week healing process where you will demonstrate on yourself that your mind can actually change your body. After 30 years of permanently being healed I am well equipped to deal with any thoughts and fears that might arise. I will be accepting 20 committed people only. The fee will be $50 per weekly session for 14 weeks. All participants must have the CD, book and affirmation cards, available on the website. You can sign up on the website at www.freedomfromfood.net and please write to me to confirm your place at: pgbisch@aol.com

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Patricia Patricia Bisch MA.MFT

"I think that a support group is an essential component of doing Freedom From Food. We live in a culture that is inundated with 'Fear of Food' consciousness and messaging. Patricia's on-line conference call format is of invaluable help in strengthening our thinking from a new perspective, getting tips and support for following the program, and reconnecting with the truth of this work from the testimonials of other participants. I would definitely recommend this call to anyone doing the program on their own, and groups might use it as a way to empower their collective energy in a common direction." (Participant)

Private Consultations Are now available and have been helping people from all over the world lose weight. Now you can sign up through the website and set up phone sessions. Click here to set up your session now at www.freedomfromfood.net As I am a 30 year blackbelt at this practice, I know how to help you empower yourself. I am not afraid of your doubts and fears and I am happy to support you through this process in order for you to find your own strength in your Mind and Emotions. I have recently completed a set of 5 consultations with a woman from Greece before and after her 2 week healing. The coaching helped her to empower herself enough to make the leap and hold her consciousness long enough to change her body. After our sessions she wrote: "I am glad to notify you that I have lost weight - about 12 pounds so far. Thank you for this wonderful gift! I can now enjoy eating whatever I want without gaining weight. Plus I don't ever consider binging any more. 10 minutes of meditation reading is not that much. Plus I can listen to the CD when I go to bed. Binging seems like ages ago!" (Participant Greece) I look forward to hearing from you and supporting you through this process. You can do it! Sincerely, Patricia Bisch

"Freedom From Food is a complete, well-conceived, practical, mind-body-spirit program that will help you gain mastery over food and attain overall peace and well-being. Patricia Bisch is a compassionate, wise teacher who walks her talk."

Judith Orloff, MD. Author of Positive Energy

"We all have a relationship with food whether we realize it or not. In her wonderful book Freedom From Food, Patricia Bisch offers wisdom, clarity and down-to-earth advice that will help you to understand and significantly improve your relationship with food, your body, and the process of living itself."

Barbara De Angelis Ph.D. #1 NY Times Bestselling Author & Transformational Teacher

"Freedom From Food shifts the paradigm for how we think of food, dieting and weight. The book views food as fluctuating information and energy instead of solid, dense matter. Patricia Bisch is a powerful voice pioneering in an important area of mind/body consciousness."

Candace Pert, PhD. Author of Molecules of Emotion: The Science of Mind/Body Medicine"