Circle Connections From: Ann Smith
Date: Monday, May 3, 2010
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Thank you Ann,

I am doing this same work with my 'Earth Scouts' every Sunday at 7pm ET while doing emergency gatherings this Tues and Wed night at 7pm. We did one tonight (Mon) as well. It lasts about an hour.

Our work was to reconstruct the memory of the Earth's structure prior to the puncture wound (Like when someone looses a limb, the body remembers what it feels like). It worke,d and a 'blood clot' is in place. There are many doing this work and so there are good things in place already in addition to our work.

Our personal lessons are to be learned right now. The clotting is there, but it needs the assistance of US (you and me) relieving the core wounds that were held in place below the surface, which is also causing Earth quakes, particularly around the equator. The wound of course is victim/perpetrator.

I won't be able to join you 'cause I'll be with the Earth Scouts on Sunday, but I set the intention now that our energies unite, in order to enhance the empowered feminine vibration, and whatever each of our contributions may be.

To participate with the Earth Scouts, 218-862-1300, ac 615164.

Thank you Ann for this beautiful work. Please feel free to share this if you find it supportive of your intentions.


Chris Wight

--- On Mon, May 3, 2010, in msg270030, Ann Smith wrote ---

I am calling for a group meditation on Sunday evening. (Of course...any time you love water...whether today or tomorrow or will make a join when you can.)

I am calling for a miracle. Let's join in a meditation to cap the oil leak Sunday night at 8:00 pm Eastern Time.

Let us truly believe this is possible.

Our hearts open to the families who have experienced loss, and trauma. Our hearts embrace all life in the area affected; people, wildlife, flora and water.

Watersongs Enthusiastically Loving Water

Namaste!!! Ann
