Evolutionary Women From: Lucky Sweeny
Date: Monday, August 9, 2010
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Dear Friends of the Heart, dear Evolutionary Women,

Will you help set the template for a new wave of evolutionary women???

As many of you know, the field of "evolutionary women" is becoming more and more visible each day. We are poised at a solar and galactic moment of new beginnings. Now is the time as never before!

Our dear Bonnie and her true evolutionary partners, Cheryl Gould and Margaret McAllister, are launching their new documentary film, The Heart to Lead: Women as Allies for the Greater Good. Cheryl, Margaret, and 7 of the women in the film are Evolutionary Women! The Heart to Lead is a visible expression of all that we have experienced together, and an energetic invitation to women everywhere to be in conversations that evoke their innate divinity. If we as a collective support and take action on behalf of this film, it will inevitably move into its right place to invite the next wave of change...

In just a few days, we will be sending out a formal email invitation to taste and purchase the DVD. It is offered with a complimentary companion guidebook, The Guide to Heart-knowing, for evoking THE conversation around the content of the film.

This is the template we are asking you to co-create with us:

  • 1) Receive the information about the film with an open heart, to feel the love and unity of the transmission.
  • 2) Anchor it into the Evolutionary Women field, into the Earth Itself if this is something you do, and intend that it attract the right women.
  • 3) If it is possible for you, buy the film with great appreciation for all the inner intention, change and growth that it represents. (Write Bonnie directly at bonnie@imaginethegood.com to contribute in other ways).
  • 4) Invite at least one other woman to watch The Heart to Lead with you, and have a heart-to-heart conversation afterwards. Please "play it forward" by sharing the invitation with your family and friends.
  • 5) Circle the energy back to the film by writing a few words about your experience, and posting them on Evolutionary Women's LightPages.

Please watch for the email, and do what you can to assist this birth. As never before the power is in the collective, and together we can do this for each other... we can use our new awarenesses to speed up the evolutionary processes.... your gift will return to you a hundredfold...

With deep gratitude and awe for the Process,
Lucky and Jeanie

To read this on the web, go to http://lightpages.net/lp/news.cfm?login=463189