Dawn's Early Light From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010
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In our web of interdependent co-creativity, the conjunction of technology and spirit continues to evolve. Are we getting better at it? Is the vision clearer, sharper? Are we actualizing the path forward, creating a literal actual bridge and "way" that can carry the full power and lightning of the transmission?

The vision has been out there for a long time -- a bit cloudy, perhaps, abstract -- defined in symbols and mandalas, always very "right brain" -- a reliable source of guidance, yes, but not very clear on specifics.

But the collective/cocreative force keeps pushing. We keep listening to each other. New tools, new capacities, new insights continue to emerge.

For me, a new sense of crystalline clarity seems to be taking shape. I can feel the opening of something profoundly simple -- and amazingly integral.


Given all this background -- the years of working in deep spirit, all this business of the left-brain/right- brain bridge, our 11,000 quotations on deep spirit from 600+ references , the avalanche of authentication continuing to gather, the mandala of relationships brought into a single framework -- it's beginning to feel that the "conceptual breakthough" is happening around us.

For me, I think I can simply say that "the law of the circle" is the way forward -- into an amazing and incredible integration and simultaneity. I think I can simply say now that we "know" that the circle principle contains everything known about spirit and group process, in its purest and least confused form. The circle is the pure form of the integral process -- and the "network of circles", gathered from a million local foci -- is the path to the integration.


I have been continuing to work with the "Coffee Party". This is a political action group with a philosophical vision of inclusion and community, doing real-world political organizing. Their network continues to coalesce, but they do have 250,000+ fans on facebook, something like 70,000 members in their email database -- and now, something like 11,000 contacts in the little systems I have built for them on sharedpurpose.net

And behind that project, as the larger integral container for everything, there is now this emerging new form of Network of Circles -- http://networkofcircles.net

This project, too, is new. It's just at its barest beginning. But it's so simple, and yet so feature-rich, as an expression of the deepest instincts I know about, in a framework that supports and sustains not only the deep spirit aspects and the principles of cocreativity and community, but also the emerging technology of integration across processes...


This morning, cool and gray in Santa Barbara, I can just feel the softness of this flowering process. And a page I clicked on the circle network just showed me this graphic.

Is this "tree of the center" starting to blossom? Can you feel it?

Is this the primal ontological force of our collective cocreative evolution? Are we linked together as this tree pushes its growth into the air?

This is just one little screen-shot I happened to see -- a precursor, perhaps, a harbinger, maybe a very early sign of something flowering...