Water Convergence From: Shalahna Kim
Date: Thursday, May 19, 2011
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I received this good news today from Natural Resources Defense Council

"A federal judge in Alaska has ruled in our favor and protected 9.5 million acres of wild, roadless areas in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest from destructive logging and road building.

We’ve been fighting this courtroom battle alongside Earthjustice since 2003, when the Bush Administration illegally exempted the Tongass from the landmark Roadless Rule, which safeguards the last undisturbed stretches of our national forests.

Your activism and support have proved critical in this epic fight.

A decade ago, activists like you generated hundreds of thousands of petitions that helped persuade the Clinton Administration to establish the Roadless Rule in the first place.

Then, your financial support made it possible for us to wage an eight-year legal battle that has produced this historic win for America’s greatest temperate rainforest.

Thanks to you, the towering old-growth stands of the wild Tongass -- along with its incomparable populations of grizzlies, wolves and bald eagles -- will be spared from an onslaught of chain saws and bulldozers.

This hard-fought victory captures the never-say-die spirit of BioGems campaigns at their very best. It is proof positive that you are part of a powerful and effective voice for the wild. Thank you for helping save the Tongass!"


Frances Beinecke President Natural Resources Defense Council