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From: Shalahna K.
Date: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 12:09 PM
Subject: My Dear Beloved Waterkeepers
Reply to: 272091
ID: 272092

Welcome back sister, I think that meeting in Long Beach is going to be great from what Sharon said in the monthly message. The Grandmothers confirmation about healing being in the NOW which includes past and future ~ is what I have been experiencing with my ancestors for awhile now.. I wish I were in the area for your picnic.

Sacred Sites, yes so very important. Let me know when you are on your way to Shasta, perhaps we could have a meet up along the way or there. I hope to go up there sometime this summer. The first water ceremony I attended was up there at the Sacramento headwaters. It snowed rained and there were ice icicles all in the same day!!! Haven't been back since then, ita been too long and it is not that far from me.

Many Blessings,


--- On Sat, Jun 18, 2011, in msg272091, Lavonne Rees wrote ---

Good Morning my beloveds~ I am back online and charged up and ready to go. The energies of these times are calling my heart to action on so many fronts. There are so many working (including each of you) on behalf of our Great Mother Earth. We are called to sing, to love, to dance to express gratitude, joy and do whatever we can to bring balance back.

We are in amazing times, we all have a our place, our calling, our purpose for choosing to be alive at this precious time in our evolution.

I have updated a few events that I will be participating in over the next few weeks in our calendar section. I know from speaking to many of you that you have several of your own gatherings and sharing of your gifts and it would be my honor if you would post them either in the calendar section or the bulletin board. Whatever calls to you. Everyone who has been called to join this community holds its sacredness of respect, honor of our individual and collaborative efforts close to their hearts. I know many of you on a personal and deep level and would love for each of you to know each other and how special and unique each of you are. We are one and yet sometimes we must connect to fully recognize those other aspects of ourselves..

I am called to reconnect with some sacred sites. This work has taken a back seat the last two years while I focused on some very deep personal issues. I have come through to the other side and know now more then ever we heal on all levels by working to heal our transgressions against Mother Earth. Healing that aspect heals humanity and seven generations of lineage in both directions past and future. As I begin to refocus my energies on that work. The first two sacred sites I will reconnect with will be Sedona and Mt. Shasta so stay tuned. I will also be continuing with my work on the Big Island of Hawaii however I don't feel that will be until the Spring of 2012.

I can't express enough my deep gratitude and how humbled and honored that each of you has chosen to be part of this community. That your inner knowing and calling directed you to this sacred community. I love each of you deeply as we are connected as a whole heart being.

Love Love Love to each of you,



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