Circle Connections From: Ann Smith
Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2012
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Please join me and others in sending prayers or fasting with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers for Publix to sign the Fair Food Act.

We asks your prayers for the 50 + farmworkers and their allies who will start a six-day fast starting March 5th at the headquarters of Publix Supermarkets, a 25-billion dollar Florida-based company who refuses to sign the Fair Food Act. The fasters will be stationed around the clock outside the main entrance, in Lakeland, Florida. We join in prayers of solidarity with the farmworkers and their allies. We hold them in great reverence and love as they hold the fast that will end on Saturday, March 10th. We pray that our prayers and the sacred act of fasting will melt the hearts of those who make the decisions for Publix.

Dear Creator, we pray they will hear the cries of the oppression suffered too long by the blood, sweat, and humiliation of farmworkers. We ask that the power of prayer and fasting brings a change of heart so they will join with the many other corporate giants who have signed the Fair Food Act with the farmworkers.

We ask all who want to join with us in sending message of support to go to Namaste!!! Ann