Sister Space From: Sharon Riegie Maynard
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
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I am sorry that it has been so long since i visited this page. My radioshow transformed into Weaving the World and the light pages space got unattended.

How has your journey been?

You can reach me at

Many blessings,

Sharon Riegie Maynard

--- On Thu, Jun 7, 2007, in msg257282, Heather Rose wrote ---

I am a member of Evolutionary Women and I am feeling an electricity and excitement as a woman. I have moved to Panama and I am creating a new life. It has been my heart's passion to bring people to the rainforest to deeply connect to mother earth and heal. My journey began with leaving Ojai and my husband and best friend of 9 years on November 27. We had grown together as much as we could and I knew it was time for me to take the leap toward manifesting my dreams.

It has been such a challening journey and one filled with so much growth. I have met souls here in Boquete, Panama(where I currently live) that are a part of my soul family. I have found a place where my heart feels at home and yet there are many times that I have missed Ojai and my strong sisterhood there and in Santa Barbara. I have felt my deepest pain and greatest joy here.

My inspiration for Goddess Awakening came through an amazing growth experience here. I watched my roomate and many women around me being manipulated and emotionally abused in relationship with men. It surprised me that woman that were educated, strong, self confident, beautiful, and whole could still be subject to this. I also watch this culture and how women are still treated. This allowed me to feel the very deep and unconsious distortion of the masculine. And I also witness and watch the men in pain, wanting to relate and not knowing how. Many indigenous women here have mistaken incest as acceptable behavior and they do not have the right to say no to sexual advances. There is a 10 year old indigenous woman who had a child after sexual intercourse with her father.

My first response was to create an international walk for women( and men) to bring awarness to emotional, sexual, and physical abuse here in Panama. I felt the unity of walking together with this focus and stopping and sharing in the evenings would create unity and solutions. I had great response and was promised media coverage. And then I felt deeper. And I realized that that is still the old paradigm way of doing things. One day in meditation I was inspired to gather women to bellydance and heal as a group in Panama. I felt that the energy that would be moved and transmuted from the collective pain body of women would reach many. I also feel that anchoring that vibration of deep healing and sexual and sensual feminine empowerment would really shift things here and in the world. And in a way that would be fun and a celebration of who we are as women.

I have gathered many women to do ceremony here to heal the masculine and feminine. Boquete is a powerful vortex situation at the base of a volcano and our sessions have been amazing. One day we went to the river and did a ceremony for healing relationship. On our walk back we each put a hisbiscus flower in our hair. We passed 3 other women in town with the same flowers in their hair that had not been with us. We took it as a sign.

I know many things will grow out of this Goddess Awakening retreat. I feel Panama is a special location geographicly. It lies between 2 bodies of water in the middle of North and South America. And it is paradise, you feel the mother's presence.

Whatever you are doing in your lives and communities I feel the women. I feel the shifting happening and it is sometimes very intense and other times a feeling of depth and expansion. I am excited about the world and how we can come together-men and women, people and nature, people and earth, and co-create something very beautiful. Something that has not been done before that benefits everything and everyone in existence.
