Circle Connections From: Ann Smith
Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2013
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Dear Circle Connections Sisters,

We are preparing to depart soon for the United Nations Commission on the Status Women in NYC with a delegation of about 60 women and men from International Public Policy Institute, Earth Child Institute and Pathways to Peace that are UN NGOs. We are very excited about our plans for being a wonderful circle presence at the UN and our dreams for a UN women's world conference. Jean Shinoda Bolen will be gifting 1700 copies of her new book, Moving Toward the Millionth Circle: Energizing the Global Women's Movement. We, the newly forming will be giving out our bookmarks and offering for a limited time a free download of our book Enough: The Rise of the Feminine and the Birth of the New Story. Laurie McCammon, Co-Author and Co- Director of We Are Enough has created a global women's network and you can be some of the first to join by going to our website. membership is free.

We will be offering two UN CSW workshops on Wednesday, March 6th: We Are Enough to Stop Violence Against Women using story telling and Open Space for self-organizing into action circles related to stopping violence against women, Gather The Women, UN global women's conference and more. In the evening we will host a Women's Sacred Circle at the Episcopal Church Center Chapel where every woman will place their dreams for CSW and Beyond into the sacred center. Monday, March 4th from 4 to 5 pm is a sacred meditation time where you can be with us in prayer and meditation. The Women's Sacred Circle from 7-9pm on Wednesday is another time for prayers and best intentions for the UN CSW and Beyond.

We come to the UN with the Divine Feminine Rising. We bring you all in our hearts and will feel your prayers. We ask you to join us in Spirit. The following is from my partner Laurie: Namaste!!! Ann

Ann and I had discussed sharing this little piece of writing with the UN delegation before the Lean In thing broke over the weekend. I think it is a perfect time to share it as we each get ready to join the frenetic energy of this lively mob scene. Like our sacred circles - the one sponsored by IPPI and the one at the Episcopal Church Center - our intention is to be a grounding, nurturing force for peace and unity to grow on earth....the New Story! Namaste! Laurie

What's the New Story? by Ann Smith and Laurie McCammon

There is a New Story emerging that will drastically transform the world as we have known it. The majority of us on Mother Earth have grown up and lived with the “old story” that defined God as masculine, and women less than men in knowing the Divine.

The “old story” separated us, ranking diversity with white over people of color, men over women, straight over gay, people over nature. People and the environment continue to be exploited with this perceived worldview of having less value, a commodity to be used by those with the power over others. Hierarchies maintain this means of power over. Living the ways of the “old story” is destroying our planet.

The New Story brings forth the indigenous ancient stories and the new understanding from science that we are One, interconnected and united with God, Creator. The New Story unites us with all creation and once known in our hearts opens the floodgates to a greater understanding that we are all loved and magnificent. It is from Source that we gain access to the greatest power ever experienced in becoming co-creators of a new society based on right relationships with all creation.

Paradigm shifts, we all know, never arise from existing power structures. As Margaret Mead is famous for inferring, they arise from the fringes. They seep in through the open hearts and open minds of ordinary, humble people who see with their heart-knowing a new truth being called into being. “The meek shall inherit the earth” is truly the theme of our times. We can feel that it is true, that the loudest and most powerful are far too entrenched in the current game, that they are too invested in the status quo to be risk-takers and game changers.

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” means we must find it in our hearts to lead whenever and wherever we feel personally called because no one else more talented or powerful is going to show up in our stead. This is something new for us to adjust to. We are used to waiting for leaders to arrive to tell us what to do. Now, our instructions are coming from our own heart wisdom, not from somewhere “out there.” We are now the “go to” team, and when we realize we are Enough and have been born Enough, we find that we are always equal to the task at hand.

Our personal calling, if we listen deeply to it, is aligned with some evolutionary force, some grand plan that always moves humanity as a whole towards greater expansion, towards greater inclusion, towards an ever more mature and loving response to life. We can trust it. We can trust ourselves. It is the blossoming of humanity’s dormant potential to see, live and create a peaceful, loving reality, and it is happening locally– within us. It is what makes us come alive, what makes life meaningful and fulfilling, so in many ways it will feel almost effortless as all excuses fade to following our bliss. We can tell you that it is a path paved with joy and ease. You need only say “yes” to your most heartfelt callings to begin it. This is the path of Enough.
