Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara From: Carolyn Anderson
Date: Sunday, January 8, 2017
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Does the New Year call you to be more creative and more engaged? Are you ready to fully express your love in action?

If so, join us at Experience Co-Creation, a weekend workshop in L.A. (Feb. 11 – 12) and Ojai (Feb. 18 – 19) that honors, empowers, and celebrates your unique potential and connects you with others who share your commitment to positive change!

Living Co-Creation event

Together, we will experience:
• The power of resonance to call forth the greatness in each of us
• The essence of our being as love, wisdom, power, and joy
• The magic of co-creative practices to amplify our creativity, heal our sense of separation, empower our unique purpose, and deepen our capacity for intimacy and connection

Our guarantee:
If you are not completely satisfied that we have delivered what we promised, you can ask for a refund at any time before you leave the weekend training.

We have decades of experience in creating environments that call forth our true nature: love, trust, integrity, and mutual respect. We know the transformation and healing that occurs when small groups of individuals come together in the resonant field that we co-create, and we trust that you will experience the same.

With love and blessings for a remarkable year ahead,
Carolyn and Sanford Anderson, Katharine and Makasha Roske,