Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara From: Jeanie DeRousseau
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017
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Thank you, Bruce and Bonnie... for presencing Francia's transition on this CEN which has connected us all these years since Barbara's question: What would happen if a community realized its potential for conscious evolution? (And thank you immensely, Bruce, for tending our online networking all these years).

In all our imaginings of personal and social change, in all our experiences of the resonant field, for me anyway, little did I realize that this would happen... life would happen, moving away from or to Santa Barbara, challenges of all kinds, celebrations of all kinds, death would happen...

So many lessons in the learning, so many of our evolutionaries-in-arms rejoining us on the other side...

I feel Francia's smile, flying free now of her embodiment and all the human experiences that move our souls along.  It's so bittersweet.

When someone is woven into your experience of a whole community, it's hard to pull out the threads that are only her.  She was always in relationship to something, someone, always a flow in retrospect, part of holding the fabric together, participating, showing up.

Here's my best effort to name the thread of Francia: I'm noticing now her commitment and enthusiasm for moving forward, with awareness of both difficulties and possibilities, of both herself and community, perhaps pulling on the fabric for the 'more,' offering lots of energy for change and growth.  And the memory that stands out most right now, is Francia offering her house and beautiful garden for a community gathering to create gifts for the first Evolutionary Women event in Santa Barbara, 2005.  I feel her presence in that memory, hostessing, making sure the space was right for our co-creativity and conversation.  So beautiful...

Thank you, dear Francia, for your weaving in my life, and in this precious community which lives on in my heart...

Love, Jeanie