Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara From: Marcelino Sepulveda
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2017
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Beloved Dancers, Join us THIS Weds night for another shamanic journey through ecstatic dance with DJMarcelino. I have a superb lineup of amazing musical tracks ready to transport you through a fantastic array of interconnected spiritual, emotional and physical realms. This is power for you.  

Whatever it is we need to move through in our Life, let's dance and return to our essential awakened self! 

Something like this: Marian Hill - Down

Funky, shamanic, devotional, deep, upbeat, with sublime chaos; I play music drawn from a vast range of genres, tempos, and regions mixed into one enchantingly epic dance journey.

Every 1st and 3rd Weds of the month we dance the Rhythms of Life. Our Weds night dances are a smaller gathering than SB Dance Tribe and this allows for a more personal and internal movement meditation. Come experience what it's like on the other side of the conscious dance journey.  

(There is a hydration station in the studio but please bring your own bottle to drink from)