Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara From: Wayne Marshall
Date: Monday, September 18, 2017
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CEN Tribe,

Exactly one year ago at Bhakti Fest at Joshua Tree I attended a musical mini-workshop with Lorin Roche, with his lovely wife Camille and backed by fine musicians David Stringer, Josh Jaffe and others.

The event was a “Radiance Sutras Jam”, a musical celebration of Lorin’s wonderful book The Radiance Sutras, an ecstatic translation of 112 Tantric sanskrit Sutras, celebrating the body as a portal to Spirit. 

The format was simple but totally unlike anything I’d ever experienced: a few musicians started, reading lines of from the book and then others from the audience were invited up to read and soon we were improvising songs with the entire room singing along and dancing. Total bliss!

Naturally, I asked Lorin afterwards if he would consider coming to Santa Barbara to share this heart opening experience with our community (he lives in LA) He said YES! right away and it’s taken this last year for this seed to germinate and now is sprouting in a few weeks!

I’ve gathered a stellar band of fine local musicians including Sudama Mark Kennedy, Philippo Franchini, Kit Thomas, and Melanie Hutton. Both Sudama and Phillipo have played with Lorin and the Dave Stringer band previously and loved it!

I’ve also been composing songs based on these sutras in the style I have done with certain Rumi, Hafiz and Tagore translations and will open the event with a short set of these songs.

I’d love to pack the house Sat Oct 7th to show support for Lorin and his amazing work AND to offer a true gift to the Santa Barbara community which I am SURE this will be. DO mark your calendar now and plan on attending. It will be unforgettable!

RSVP here at the Facebook event page and bring a friend! You may share from this event page as well:

Here’s a taste:

The roar of joy
that set the worlds in motion
is reverberating in your body
and the space between all bodies
Beloved, listen.

I hope to see you there!


Here’s some further info and a flyer below.

Immerse yourself in love-drenched meditation, music and movement. The Radiance Sutras is a musical, sensuous translation of this tantra by Lorin Roche, who has lived and breathed these yogas for forty years. Lorin and his wife Camille will be backed up by local musicians including Sudama Mark Kennedy and Wayne Marshall.

The Radiance Sutras evoke a world of wonder, awe, and delight. The focus of this mini musical workshop is on full-body spirituality — accepting every breath, sensual experience, and emotion as a doorway into deep and intimate contact with the energies of life. The practices include mudra (energy gestures), pranayama (breath), mantra (sound), and dhyana (meditation). Anyone can practice these methods. The emphasis is on naturalness, spontaneity, and being at home in the universe. You meet yourself wherever you are, whether you are restless, lonely, loving, tired, excited, nostalgic, or quiet. This mini workshop is an opportunity to dive into the Sutras that are calling you and receive coaching from Lorin and Camille to make them your own, so that you can embody, move, and breathe this luscious reality. 

Lorin is a pioneer in developing personalized meditation practices, designing the techniques around an individual’s inner nature. In addition to The Radiance Sutras, Lorin is the author of five books on the life-affirming path of meditation, including Meditation Secrets for Women, written with his wife, Camille Maurine. Lorin’s teaching celebrates individual uniqueness and aims at activating your internal guidance systems and bringing forth your instinctive knowing. In order to transmit the joyous wisdom of the Radiance Sutras, Lorin has created two related meditation systems: Pranava Meditation®, which utilizes the richness of the Sanskrit language and is oriented toward the yoga community, and Freedom Meditation®, which uses common sense terminology and focuses on inner knowing.

Radiance Sutras Jam