Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Friday, May 11, 2018
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Ani, this is really fascinating, thanks so much for sending it to us!

Tonight I created a page on my new "Charter for Cocreation" project just for this talk.

I'm creating this new framework as a way to move from the brilliant and fascinating "philosophy of the shift" that has been growing in us for so long, into action, into a way to ACT on this philosophy. "I get it, thanks. It's beautiful. It's great. Now what can I DO about it?"

For me, this is where the breakthrough must happen. This huge vision rising like a sun around us, with 10,000 moving parts -- must come together in the synergy Daniel Schmachtenberger is talking about.

Can we "community weavers" help this synergy move forward? As midwives maybe? Maybe as sperm hitting the egg of this tremendous fertility?

I am feeling totally explosive with this push. Deep breath. Next step.

Thanks Ani!

--- On Thu, May 10, 2018, in msg276570, Ani Ahavah wrote ---

Here is a brilliant 20 minute improvisational sharing by a Daniel Schmachtenberger elucidating the universal phenomenon of "Emergence." I met Daniel at the Foundation for Conscious Evolution with Barbara Marx Hubbard years ago. Not easy to follow but a brilliant ride.
