Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara

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From: Francis Jansen
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 10:30 AM
Subject: Francia
ID: 276461

We are continuously moving through and going beyond,

we are cosmic travelers taking many forms of conciousness,

in perpetual motion of change even when it looks like we are perfectly still.

and we are so blessed to be connected with eachother on this journey on this incredible Planet.

to share and be shared with, with all forms of life and creation,

to Love and laugh, and all the other expressions that surface in this inquiry and dance about who and what we are,

making choices, taking chances in this adventure, even when everything is always perfect.

Im greatful for the Time that holds us here,

and blessed to know that those "threads" of connetedness continue beyond this limited understanding.

Francis Jansen.