Global Resonance Network

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From: Bonnie Kelley
Date: Friday, September 21, 2007, 3:24 PM
Subject: LightPages - Invitation
Reply to: 261073
ID: 258542

BRUCE and Jeanie.. this is all really exciting. Suddenly it all seems so coherent and stable. It is like following the yellow brick road and finally, though it always seem completely surprising at the time, you arrive at the Emerald Palace in all is glory.. Thank you for your committment and diligence. A devoted groupie, Bonnie

---- On Fri, Sep 21, 2007, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Dear Everybody --

Just wanted to mention to you -- that we have been building a new interface for the Interspirit/Global Resonance project.

I've been working with my friend Dr. Jeanie DeRousseau -- who you know here on GRN -- and we've created what we think is a simple and friendly and well-thought-out framework, for supporting groups that want to "help build a better world".

LightPages.Net is essentially an "interface" -- a way to connect through the underlying Interspirit database -- which is also the foundation for this Resonance project. The idea behind LightPages -- is to make it simple and convenient to participate, and to provide a way that many groups and networks and organizations could conceivably come together, without compromising their own particular "local" agenda.

So far, LightPages offers a simple set of features --

  • Every member has their own "LightPage" -- essentially a personal profile, with links and graphics and statements, responses to questions, etc.
  • A directory of members, that can be searched, so that you can scroll through a series of "LightPages". The search process enables a "merging of groups" -- so that people in one group can browse and communicate with the membership of select other groups, as appropriate.
  • A calendar of events -- for groups that are holding events.
  • A bulletin board -- essentially an online forum, just like this one -- though currently somewhat simpler.
  • A newsletter, that can be sent out to a large list of subscribers.

We have moved a few Interspirit groups -- such as Global Resonance -- into the LightPages framework. As we continue, we expect to add many more groups. We're still tuning and perfecting this system -- but so far, we like it, others seem to like it, and it seems simple, elegant, and graceful.

So -- with this preface, I want to offer this invitation --


If you have a group or organization or project, and would like to be building a network system or framework, particularly involving "building a better world" and exploring possibilities of collaboration and cooperation -- we invite you to consider developing your project through LightPages.

The LightPages system is generally about groups -- about "circles" -- possibly big circles. But, of course, individuals can be members too, because LightPages is about individuals, who join groups for their own reasons, and move between groups for any reason that seems appropriate to them.

So, anyone here on Global Resonance is essentially already a member of LightPages -- and nothing will change in your account, unless you want it to.

But for those GRN members who are interested in building their own project, or creating their own network -- LightPages might be a good way to go.

What we are looking for is individuals or groups with a vision -- an idea, a concept they want to pursue, probably involving high ideals and ways that individuals and groups can collaborate. People who have mailing lists or projects can insert their entire mailing list into the LightPages framework, and begin unfolding their project in this way.

If any of this seems interesting, and something you might want to pursue -- the best way to proceed would be to send me a brief email message, outlining your project. What are you trying to accomplish, what is motivating you, what would you like to see happen, what is the current status of your project, who do you think is/will be interested, what do you actually expect to do to make it happen....

In the last week or two, we've started assimilating some other groups and projects, and we've added something like 1,700 new people. Over the next few months, we expect this outreach to continue, as we look for idealistic organizations that want a network presence, and want to support collaboration and team-work among their membership.

If this sounds like you -- do get in touch. We're ready to work with you, and we think some great things can happen.

- Bruce
