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From: Joann Kite
Date: Sunday, December 23, 2007, 6:18 AM
Subject: Solstice
Reply to: 261877
ID: 259345

Ah, yes, winter solstice….the time of greatest darkness, and therefore a time in which the hope of New Light and Life burns bright like a sweet candle in our hearts and in our Earth.

Maybe, as some say, the Christ Child wasn’t born at exactly the time of the solstice….yet the fact that humanity has chosen this significant time to celebrate this divine birth tells us much about these seasons and cycles, and the natural rhythms of our minds and spirits….we all cycle our way ever onward through this New Birth in the One Divine Child of us All, no matter what our faith or spiritual tradition. Almost all cultures have traditions and myths which teach us about our psycho/spiritual Nature and how it is woven into and through the expressions of Nature’s seasons and cycles. Our inside mirrors our outside, and our outside proclaims our inside…..and the Resonance is indeed sweet.

As I look out my living room window on this cold and dark Pennsylvania morning, I see few signs of the New Life waiting to burst forth in late February or early March. Lush trees have turned into skeleton twigs that dance like dead ghosts in the harsh wind…..grasses that once flourished are now just dry tufts and puffs of lifeless hay….the birds are quiet now, the little scurrying animals are now asleep in their dens, and a hush blankets the Earth like the deep insides of an old, abandoned cathedral…..

…..but lo and behold! Here and there, even now in this brown and gray funeral urn, you can see that little candle flame of hope shining forth its eternal fire….those dry branches are filled with tiny, tight buds, coated in a wax that will protect them until their time comes to dance in the Sun…..and you may be lucky enough to see a little girl squirrel scamper out of her nest in search of fallen nuts, her sweet white belly full with baby squirrels who will come forth to greet a warm, sunny day…..

…..and someone across the pond has decorated their backyard evergreen tree with a thousand shining lights, sparkling like fairy magic through the morning fog….and there’s a manger scene on my neighbor’s porch, with the Baby Jesus nestled in some warm hay, his eyes closed and smiling, smiling like He knows a secret which He wants to share with All of us….

….Baby Jesus……He comes in so many ways, in so many places, in the quiet mangers of our hearts when we are open and listening for His coming….falalalala…..yes, He’s so sweet, so loving and compassionate, so sure of Humanity’s treasures and possibilities, so full of bright hope and good will, this Divine Child Who is birthing Himself forth among all of us now.

Merry Christmas, dear everyOne…..Merry Christmas to you all, and best wishes for our bright New Year as we cherish and nurture this Divine Child coming forth among us and within us. It gives me great joy to be here with all of you, as we all together live forth the glorious calling and purpose for which we were born.

Loving you All very much in the One,


---- On Fri, Dec 21, 2007, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

somebody said last night -- that the solstice happens today a little after 10am santa barbara time -- which is right now...

as i type these words...

this energy cycle of the past couple of weeks -- in my world, it's been intense -- very much an "ascent" -- a going up...

i usually feel things like this around these moments of "phase shifting" -- the solstices, the equinoxes...

today -- is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere --


what i can say is -- something in the spirit has felt very sweet.

there is something moving -- something profoundly creative, and gracious...

something that moves with the flow of anointed grace -- in a kind and tender spirit -- that seems to move with the wind, with the organic energies, with the lifeforce flow through the grass...

are we "trying" to converge something? is there "a message" -- something that wants to be said -- something that wants to be heard...

does this energy work through us by grace, by a gift of the universe -- or does it in some way depend on us, as "the hands and feet of God"....

or does it even matter? we just -- move forward --

i can feel that vibe -- it's like that line from the disney movie "the lion king" --

"can you feel the love tonight...."

maybe it's our LRIG

maybe it's the hovering fire-light of the cosmic Christ...

maybe it's solstice

maybe it's evolution

or co-creativity

or just -- the sweet spirit of mutual caring and concern and friendship...


for me, it does tend to feel as though we are moving towards a jumping-off place

so, things are still gathering, maybe becoming quieter, a little more coherent...

but the love is out there, alive....
