Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 7:15 PM
Subject: GRN - New Growth
Reply to: 263467
ID: 260896


Yes -- good points, Starr* and Jonathan --

Actually -- immediately after writing this message, I did take a little time to start putting together some kind of sketch or diagram. I guess the real issue is -- it takes a long time and a lot of work to do a good job. It's a lot faster and easier for me to bang out a fast sketch in words. But I know that it's not so easy to grasp -- though maybe a diagram with 40 moving parts might not be that easy to understand either.

The way this feels to me is -- actually what is happening is -- the core ideas of this process are actually very simple. This is the key to their power -- and why they are workable in the real world. "Circle is Simple". The thing is -- what is not so clear to people is how and why this intuitive simplicity also elegantly integrates so much compound intellectual complexity... which is really the key to the stunning power we are playing with...

A lifetime of complex detailed education in group process and interfaith theology and network design -- all boiled down to a few simple expressions and practices. I guess part of the work, at least behind the scenes, and for the creative voices -- is to show why this works and how it is true -- even if it is not everybody's cup of tea.

But Starr* -- I did want to show you one thing -- and maybe you have a suggestion for improving this possibility.

It is very easy to simply post an existing YouTube movie right here in GRN. It's a snap. I'm going to put the YouTube link to your Tahirah movie 1 right here in this email.

The problem that I have had with this thus far -- is that this method works on the web only -- but I have not been able to send a full video interface like this through email. Maybe somebody knows how to do that?

But click on this message on the website, and you'll see the YouTube interface to the first of Starr's three recent movies. I'll put the link beneath it -- since it's my understanding that this video interface does not display in an email format.

But here it is:

If you can't see the YouTube link, click here:

But yes, I fully agree. More pictures = more life. We'll just have to make that more workable.

- Bruce

--- On Sun, May 11, 2008, in msg263467, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Dear Bruce and Jonathan

I agree with Jonathan that some people are visual learners and I believe that is the way of the media is fast going. Is it possible for us to start posting short videos, slide shows within the network?

Perhaps you could provide a conversion system that converts visual files when they are uploaded. At present I can embed files from youtube on blogs etc. I know I am grateful that we have the ability to upload images here - but short videos and slide shows might make the Guiding Circles more visible and interactive. Maybe I'm asking too much....but I do think it will help the written word which we have here become more alive.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sun, May 11, 2008, in msg263463, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste Bruce and EveryONE,

Happy Mother's Day to all of you in the United States and the rest of the world.

Thank you again Bruce for your tireless efforts in developing an internet system that will allow for the easiest way to communicate amongst the various groups who all seem to be different spokes of the emerging " integral vision " with the Spirit of the One at the center.

If I may offer feedback regarding what you have written. There are some among us who are visual learners that need to see a symbol or visual picture of the emerging vision that you have clearly articulated in words. Is it possible to create a " mandala " that provides a symbolic representation of how the various groups are working together under the umbrella of Light Pages. This may further assist in clarifying where things are and how you/others see this vision unfolding in this evolutionary spiral of consciousness expanding throughout humanity and the planet as a whole.

Mitakuye Oyasin,

