Global Resonance Network

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From: SĀ“ace G root
Date: Monday, May 12, 2008, 3:30 PM
Subject: GRN - Are you in a Circle?
Reply to: 263479
ID: 260923

good exercise ::

What I would like to hear about is --

* Are you in a circle?
* What is your circle about? Tell us all about it...
* Does your circle follow principles and practices? Do you have an "agreement"?
* Does your circle have a "center"? Tell us about the center...

i like to give an answer a try ... (oracling on yellow rhythmic seed energy)

& a picture that flashed through the scenery as a plot:

so ...

* Are you in a circle?
i take the illusion as true: i am in a circle - the sun is its mid as myth and center too ; the top of the GER (a Mongolian Tent of 3 m radius / 6 m width); i am on the ground and in the group working & building a home

* What is your circle about? Tell us all about it...
it is about a living in nature at a spot for some time

* Does your circle follow principles and practices? Do you have an "agreement"?
yes, the eyes of the GER are to the sea ... : usually to the sun at the South; here towards the West where the sun sinks into the sea ...

* Does your circle have a "center"? Tell us about the center...
in the center of the Ger is the Table ... which is even to the earth and an expression of our equivalency and invitation to be there centered to the self and to the group

nb. close to the center is the stove ... to burn some wood and get some warmth and regulate the waterdamp inside at night ...

Namaste, S'ace


after having written this i looked at the oracle reading of the day ...

Seed is an image for fertility , for compact, for getting through ages, for seasons & rhythms synchrone uniqueversal rigid rules ... & more

Rhythmic is an image that reverberates values as equality, equivalency, jamming ...

Yellow is the color for trancending; closing a set in order to introduce another type ...