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From: Sandi Hunter
Date: Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 12:26 PM
Subject: The Most Hated and Feared of All
ID: 261443

The Most Hated and Feared of All

Who is the most hated person in all the world? Not the mass murderer, the rapist, nor the thief. Not presidents of countries who bomb whole populations into oblivion, nor corporate CEO’s whose bottomless greed destroys whole regions of the good Earth, but rather, the most hated person in all the world, is the truth-sayer, the honest man, the speaker of unvarnished fact, regardless of politics, country, religion or fashion-trend.

Who is the most feared person in all the world? Not gun-toting mafia gangsters or insane military leaders, nor sadistic prison wardens, corrupt policemen, crooked bankers or dictators. Not terrorists, crack cocaine peddlers, nor mad scientists with their genetic engineering, but rather, the most feared person in all the world and throughout the history of humankind, is the speaker of WHAT IS, the wise among the wise who say, “The world has gone utterly astray”.

There is no quicker way to clear a room, no better method to destroy the party or, “change the subject”, no surer method to cultivate the very deepest and longest-lasting enmity amongst family and neighbors alike, than to speak the truth.

Who, therefore, is the most ignored, the most rejected in all the world? Whose words reach only deaf ears, dumb lips and utterly resistant minds forever-more, until the last days of the human race? He who speaks the truth.

Indeed the messenger is both feared and despised for their message. But what is really feared and despised in this modern day, is the truth itself and all its’ implications.

For what greater enemy is there to the common man, than the truth of his own reflection, behind the masks, facades and scheming plans. “Kill me, torture me, cheat me, kill my children in pointless wars, rape my lands, destroy the mountain forests, the rivers, the oceans, until all living things must die, but don’t take away my cherished illusions!”, they cry. Gibbering tongues wag, on and on they try, in vain attempts to avoid the pain, not for the love of truth, but an addicts’ “high”, insane, seeking somewhere to hide from all their lies, in temples, churches, universities or waving flags to fly.

What does this tell you, oh thinking minds of the world, if indeed such minds still exist, about the state of humankind? It ought to tell you one thing most certain… “The world has gone utterly astray”.

There is only one thing in all the universe from which a person cannot be saved, and that is themselves. Likewise, there is only one thing in all the universe from which a society cannot be saved, and that is itself.

Those who do not wish to be saved cannot be saved!

Truth-sayers beware; Any attempt to speak the truth about the modern world will therefore be met by only seven types of responses, as follows;

1) absolute silence 2) denial of any real problem with the world, or any responsibility for it, 3) issuing superficial “agreements” which lack even the slightest desire for action or sincere, progressive discussion 4) babbling something totally nonsensical/changing the subject 5) attacking the speaker in a desperate attempt to slander their character, thus making it easier to ignore their message or otherwise distract from it, 6) The denial that there is even such a thing as truth, or that it can be known, or, 7) any combination of the above six.

Such madness, such bizarre phenomena is universal, no matter what the internet forum, country, setting, method of presentation or subject matter, so long as the unvarnished truth is being spoken. This is so because humanity, in its’ arrogance, believes that not only is it above nature, it is above truth itself. Thus arises the popular phrase, “my truth and your truth” as though truth is something you make up as you go along. Humans have come to believe, en-masse, that how they FEEL about the truth is far more important and deserving of focus, than the certain consequences of ignored FACTS. This is so no matter how dire or relevant the subject, from environmental destruction and the very laws of the universe, to the imminent demise of the human race.

In the modern world, denial has become the norm. We live amongst a race of beings much akin to the ostrich with its’ head in the sand, hoping reality will go away if we wish long enough, or enough of us believe it so be so. But it has not, nor will it go away merely because we wish it. Our destructive and irrational actions, have and will continue to produce, an equally destructive re-action in the environment and amongst the nations of the world. This is also known as “karma”.

Having said this however, is to be ignored. It simply isn’t “popular”, and so, humanity will die by its’ own hands, with a stranglehold around its’ own neck, for a lack of those with enough integrity to simply say, “I reject modern society and all that it stands for”.

This is a conscious and suicidal decision to keep “comfortable” in consumer-land, until the very last moment. When that moment comes it will be a day of reckoning, at which time whole regions of the human world will simply die off in a matter of days and weeks. All your lies will finally catch up with you. Tjhere will be nowhere to hide in fashion-trends, or phony religious notions that have nothing to do with reality, or silly patriotic slogans which are simply cultural fascism re-named.

The World Mind Society