Global Resonance Network

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From: anne Akers
Date: Friday, July 18, 2008, 5:19 PM
Subject: As individuals we make a difference
ID: 262748

Greeting from Australia,I have been reading through the postings of late and my heart is singing with joy. It is people like us, with whom spirit is shining, that will elevate the consciousness of humanity. I work as an alternative therapist, in a tiny village in central Queensland Australia. When I first arrived here people were suspicious of the new healer. Now 4yrs on we have established a clinic that teaches meditation, vibrational medicine, hebalism and other alternitive therapies. We are constantly booked to overflowing. The shift has been incredible to witness and all we needed was patience, tolerane and love. I see many of these miricles happening over the globe, where small communities are opening up, and work together towards a better world.I am acutley aware of the powerful energies which try to control us, I choose to focus my energy into awakening one person at a time to thier own divinity and truth.I know we need warrior spirits to take "THEM" on, and I honour these beautiful, strong souls for thier missions. Our community is based on farming and mining, yet we have broken generations of closemindedness and now have healing circles, meditation circles craft cirles and much more. Most who attend have now awoken, and have moved beyond the veil of illusion with which they had become trapped behind. It only takes a few light barers to bring about change, God bless you all. Anne Akers. Ph.D.