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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 10:29 PM
Subject: Aboriginal circles
Reply to: 265387
ID: 262818

i just had one thought on this --

having to do with the authentication of this process --

what makes it real, what keeps it real, what does it take to fully open the pathway to the power --

generally, my understanding is -- that this power is closely guarded, and not accessible to most people in any simple or direct way -- though, at the same time, it actually IS the core of their beings, and IS fully available to them -- if only -- "something" is set right, attuned right, in alignment...

i remember my father saying to me, repeating a little truism -- that "the path to hell is paved with good intentions"

which might have come out of the catholic background he essentially rejected -- but which still carries a powerful truth

who is to say what is authentic? what is valid, what is correct? this is not about "authority structures" -- it's simply about what works, and what does not work -- it's about being totally real

and that, i think -- is not always something we can simply choose

so, being well-intended, or trying very hard -- might not be enough

there is something else that is needed

and i think the universe has its own way -- of getting us into the alignment that meets its standard

sometimes known as "pain and suffering"

whatever the force required might be

to "bring us to our knees" -- which causes us to "let go of everything" -- which empties the glass, so to speak, so that it can be filled again...

sometimes i think that aboriginal people -- were out there, living under such intense and demanding conditions -- that they were forced by nature itself to be extremely real

and that reality -- sustained their grace, and kept them open to these higher powers -- that might drift out of reach for those of us who live in easier worlds...

i think it was the prophet Bahá'u'lláh -- -- who experienced his powerful vision under the most severe conditions -- and who then went through quite a bit of additional testing and purification -- as his ideas and teachings and spirit evolved and emerged, until he became recognized as a prophet with the power to found an enduring world religion...

so, did he -- did the universe -- need to subject its servant/voice to these trials, in order to release that message to the world?

we would like to say no -- that he might have done the same thing in some other way. but that doesn't seem to be true or possible -- these pressures are there, and in the end, are a positive and constructive part of the creative process, that leads to something that can bring so much good into the world -- something beyond "the mere human" -- something "truly divine..."


no doubt, all of this varies in degrees and levels and intensities -- maybe we can learn how to fully authenticate what we are doing on the path without all this suffering and trial -- perhaps that possibility will emerge from the birth trials of those who are the predecessors -- maybe those predecessors are us....

---- On Sun, Jul 20, 2008, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Talking of circles operating in a society made me remember my experience with Local Spiritual Assemblies when I was a Baha'i. In John Kolstoe’s book “Consultation” he mentions the prerequisites and conditions for consultation as set out by Abdu’l-baha.

My experience definitely proved Abdu’l-baha’s point of having absolute love and harmony in order to consult - and when that is not in place the LSA ends in naught. (which of course uphold Tahirih’s writings).

I would say the experience of consulting under both prerequisites and conditions more than proved his advice. When the conditions are right the results are profound; but when they don’t have pure intent, the efforts do not shed light. Abdu’l-baha was right-on about this process according to my own experience – and I appreciate his spelling it out for those who want to use the principles in an advancing civilization.

Too bad Bahai doesn't allow women to consult on the highest decision making body of the religion, which of course causes disunity and separation at the very inception of their consultation.

“The prime requisites of them that take counsel together are purity of motive, radiance of spirit, detachment from all else save God, attraction to the Divine Fragrances,…” “The first condition is absolute love and harmony amongst the members of the assembly. They must be wholly free from estrangement and must manifest in themselves the Unity of God,...Should harmony of thought and absolute unity be non-existent, that gathering shall be dispersed and that assembly be brought to naught.” Abdu’l-Bahá

In the Love Radiance Intention Group we have achieved this state with one anther (unity of Source and love for one another). However, circles without these conditions and prerequisites don't fill the bill and are actually square. We need an intent and state test - or a wand that zaps these states into the minds of those consulting. How often has someone of pure intent been put in power only to have threats of life and limb from places that cause them to throw the fight. How often are pure movements corrupted from entryism (infiltrating with personal agendas of hijacking movements).

I think there has to be a focus on learning how to purify our circles to make sure they stay round. Like Ann, I had experience with Aboriginal folk in consultation. One thing is for sure they could see the aura of the consciousness of consultation and when one became out of unity it is immediately sensed.

I'd like to hear what others think.


---- On Sun, Jul 20, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good to see your message, Anne. I think maybe your first post didn't get sent by email, since the gremlins have been buzzing around a bit (another part of the testing process, that seems unavoidable, if annoying sometimes -- wouldn't it be great if we could play by "our" rules instead of "the" rules.... :):):)

Just a couple of thoughts to share --

one is that yes, we are certainly interested in the mystic power of circles, in every way possible. the vision that has been propelling me for the last couple of years -- has been that the entire world really has to be convened into a circle process -- "one huge circle that includes everybody and everything" -- i guess that is sometimes called "the circle of life" -- as in the disney movie "the lion king".

"can you feel the love tonight....?"

so, i guess we are the advance guard on this process, as we continue unfolding our own personal pathway into the light, it seems we are highly interconnected through the circle process...

but not everybody "gets" this yet. so -- there is a lot of educating and teaching to do, it seems. it's going to take a while -- it would seem (though there are these voices suggesting that some kind of "critical mass" might be reached, where this process might suddenly accelerate)

for me personally these days -- this initiatic process is coming to dominate and control everything else. it's all that matters...

another thought to share, regarding aboriginal energies -- is that the "parliament of world religions" is going to be held in melbourne australia in 2009, and will feature some special attention on the aboriginal people -- you might take a look at that and see if it relates to what you are doing


just a quick question

what did you mean when you said

you will leave the circle to rest?

is that a principle that you are learning, or know?

is that something that can be spoken about, or explained?

---- On Sun, Jul 20, 2008, anne Akers wrote ---

Greetings from Australia, I have been enjoying the dialogue on the topics of circles and squares and this prompted me to share my experiance working with an Australian Aboriginal stone circle we found on our property.I work as a Metaphysician and spiritual healer within my community, we often have gathjerings where folk can come to play musical instruments and sit by a fire. We are blessed by having a few aboriginal elders as friends, so when we discovered the stone circle beside a creek we consulted with them to find out the use this circle.

It was a healing circle on a ley line that runs across top of the mountain range towards the northern hemisphere. We were given permission to use the circle for healing purposes only. This turned out to become an extrordinary experiance for all involved. A powerful vortex of energy pulsed upwards towards the heavens and downwards into the earth. The energy within this circle caused two women to start menstruating and another began chanting in what we believe to be native american song.One man who previosly was a sceptic experianced surges of energy that left him shivering for hours, he had experianced a Kundalini release that shifted a blockage in his heart chakra. He had massive grief issues that he had not untill that day found the courage to share or face.

We decided to close down the vortex that day until we had more knowledge on how to work with this energy in safety. A commitment was made by the group to honour the circle, keeping the location secret as our forebearers had done. I felt honoured by this experiance to the degree that I am now studying with the Clan Mothers, I know that one day we will remember how to use thic circle of energy for our planet's and humanities highest good. Untill such time we leave the circle to rest. Anne Akers. Ph.D


