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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, July 21, 2008, 8:58 AM
Subject: Aboriginal circles - harmony - western squares
Reply to: 265392
ID: 262825

Good morning. Well, these themes are close to my being, and part of the "co-creative evolution" that seems to be emerging through us (me)...

I'm expecting to get back on the road today, and just wanted to look at some of these thoughts bit.

There is so much to these subjects, it's hard to adequately describe them in an email or two, and it takes time to read and assimilate everything, but I did want to respond to something Starr* said in a previous email, taken from the Baha'i teachings...

The prime requisites of them that take counsel together are purity of motive, radiance of spirit, detachment from all else save God, attraction to the Divine Fragrances...

The first condition is absolute love and harmony amongst the members of the assembly. They must be wholly free from estrangement and must manifest in themselves the Unity of God...

Should harmony of thought and absolute unity be non-existent, that gathering shall be dispersed and that assembly be brought to naught. Abdu’l-Bahá

This way of preserving and guarding authenticity seems very appropriate and workable to me, and might become -- as we continue to evolve as spirit-seeking beings -- another way to "authenticate" the spirit process -- which, without authentication, is always subject to some kind of "merely human" distortion or misinterpretation or "abuse".

That's what we've been saying in a collective/group context, when resonance and mutual respect is maintained. By having multiple alternative perspectives in the circle, all at the same time -- these multiple perspectives act as a kind of filter, or "authenticator". Putting this in somewhat technical terms -- it's a kind of "cross-correlation". The idea might be something like -- "each one of us individual human beings has a local and personal perspective, that might be vulnerable to human error. But bring 12 human beings together, and ensure that the energies are in harmony with 12 different personal perspectives -- and this begins to ensure that the energies of the group are truly approaching the universal, and are not distorted by some local/personal point of view...."

So, I like to think that we human beings will eventually get to the place where our council and circle practices can become so valid and authentic that the traditional forms of discipline and chastisement might become much less necessary on the path -- that "love and grace alone" might become strong enough to fully guide the human future.

In the Love Radiance Intention Group we have achieved this state with one another (unity of Source and love for one another). However, circles without these conditions and prerequisites don't fill the bill and are actually square. We need an intent and state test - or a wand that zaps these states into the minds of those consulting.

Some kind of wand -- a "magic wand...."

Or an "intent and state test" -- ie, "Who ARE you this morning, sir or madam??? Are you good enough today? Had your vitamins, your coffee, your mu tea? Said your prayers, brushed your teeth, shined your boots? Are you feeling quite entirely humble and kind and receptive, fully up to the task of co-creative sacred listening? Got all your personal prejudices and attitudes properly swept up into the trash? Not feeling moody, we hope? Ok, if you answered all those questions correctly, you are deemed acceptable today, and may take a seat in the circle and enter the meditative calmness that precedes our deliberations...."

(and otherwise -- you are cordially invited to take a seat in the waiting room.....)

Something like that...


Another thing I wanted to mention briefly -- is that for me, at least, the meaning of these words "circle" and "square" is fairly subtle -- and actually, not something I fully understand, though I have been looking into these issues most of my life. I feel like there is a kind of divine revelation in the air on these subjects, that nobody has quite fully understood -- but who knows what will happen with that. I just sense the potential, and feel its power.

But I would say -- that the words circle and square, as they are used in what I have been writing, and as I understand them in this book One is the Sun -- is that -- the circle and square are not really "opposites" -- they are complementary aspects of something -- maybe a bit like the female/male conjunction and unity you are urging, Starr*

I have been trying to think of a clear way to say this, without being complicated. One way to put this might be -- that the circle-way -- embraces the whole, it is very integral, it emerges out of the One, it is an expression of the One -- which, we spirit-people are very inclined to see as essential, and maybe all we need...

But, I would say that the circle-path alone -- does not fully complete the path of fullest human potential -- which also includes many specializations and embraces a high degree of detail...

So, we see the circle-path emerging out of so-called "primitive" cultures -- contexts where there is little involvement with the complexities of modern life, with science and technology, with modern medicine, with engineering, with computers --

And, to fully embrace the potentials of human civilization, we don't want to urge some return to a more primitive or less-educated or capable time. It IS a great advantage to the human race that we have overcome many critical and deadly diseases, for example -- like polio -- that could decimate humanity in the days before we understood these things in scientific ways.

So, there is a balance that must be maintained. It's not "either/or" -- either modern society ("bad") or aboriginal culture ("good"). It's both -- "the best of both worlds" that we actually need. We need the wholeness of intuition, the deep attunement with the primal forces, the breadth of inclusion, the simplicity, the humble qualities -- of the circle-path -- but at the same time -- we also need the specialized power and potential of the square path -- the path of detailed analysis, the path of science, the path of complex engineering, the path of construction and design -- indeed, of "maps" -- as the One in the Sun book mentions. Seen this way, the aboriginal people become our teachers, because they have guarded the circle path for us, as we have evolved through the bumpy path of our history. They continue to hold a brilliant lamp for us -- not inviting us to replace our civilization with theirs, but to illuminate ours with their insights.

In western civilization, we do build everything with "straight lines". Is that "good" or "bad"? Some might say that in nature, there are no straight lines (everything is a fractal) -- so, therefore, civilization is bad. But what happens if we take a string and stretch it between two points? A straight line is formed. Is that "bad"? It's -- just part of the evolution of civilization. This straightness, too, is "part of nature", just as human beings are part of nature.

In the end -- we need the organic AND the synthetic -- the natural and the man-made -- and we have to master the balance, and not give in to the temptation to value one over the other, or see one aspect as good and the other bad...

It's not easy to do this, though. The human mind can only hold so much, and these concepts are challenging. Male AND female? Science AND religion? We are trying to get there. We are hanging on, probably making progress.

For me, having done so much "square" thinking -- it seems powerful and inspiring to be so strongly guided by the circle imagery. What I feel is happening -- is that the highly detailed, and powerful but fragmentary square/western knowledge and specialization, is being pulled by deep intuition into an all-embracing conceptual framework -- the circle -- that can hold it in proper and healthy unity, re-integrate its parts, and heal its fragmentation. This will at last make it possible for "the right hand to know what the left hand is doing" -- and build a unity of understanding and spirit across all the levels of human understanding.

This, for me -- is a simple way to understand the "emerging new paradigm". It's not either/or. It's not one or the other. It's both, pulled together, in a balanced unity of all being -- the fragmentary technical specialization of western square/male thinking held in the inclusive holistic embrace of aboriginal/female circle thinking...

The way I see it, there's a lot of love -- and communal genius -- held in that embrace. I think this is the world that is dawning before us, that we are yearning to see be born through us...