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From: anne Akers
Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 3:10 PM
Subject: aboriginal circles
ID: 262873

Greeting to Starr, Bruce and others enjoying this topic.I know our Native American brothers and sisters use the pipe to cleansevision and to bring the world of spirit closer. Australian Aboriginal burn leaves from a certain bush to clear away negative energies. When we have our healing circles or meditation circles we burn a small baby sage smudge stick tom help clear away negative thought forms. We also practice a group visualization to centre us in spirit before starting. These ceremonies are done before any council circles start buisness. It is tangible to all attending that the energy softens and calms down to a peaceful and clear resonance. We also have a cirle of crystals and stones around the outer rim, these are taken care of by our crystal keeper, lovingly cleansed after and before every circle.We alos burn incense to further enhance the atmosphere, sometimes we play drumming music other times different chants in the background.

Even when we have our Womens craft circle we do this ceremony. We are forming our own ceremonies now taking from our other spiritual and religious practices the wisdoms which ahve worked for them over eons. Starr I have enjoyed the wisdom from the Bahi faith yet felt dissapointed in thier holding onto the old energy of exclusion of women. I try not to take this too personaly, and tell myself that this ignorance [lack of knowledge] will be gradually dissolve as women like us take our power back.

We are blessed also by having Reiki Masters, E.M.F. balancers, Kineseoligists and other initiates as a part of our circle. Everyone is accutley aware of the importance of being in thier place of centre and peace before we open the circle. Of cousre this cannot be known for sure, yet I trust thier spiritual integrity and intent. I figure is someone is not in love light and truth this will be made obvious to us as we are all highly skilled intuitive empaths. Our craft circles and teaching circles are different as this is an open forum for folk to discuss thier struggles. So we expect people to open up and share thier pain, we use beading, quilting, scrapbooking and other crafts a way of helping women relax into the new energy which many have no or little knowlede about.

Our mission is simply to create a circle for those who feel isolated on thier farms, so often these beautiful women end up on thier own spiritual journey, reading books, collecting thier own crystals and eventualy moving into the more advanced levels learning to meditate and work with energy.We aaaare a down to earth group and try to keep everything simple, we are not intellectuals or philosophers just women from the bush supporting each other and blending knowledge from many different souces. Trial and error seems to work for us. We have a small circle for those interested in metaphysics, Gnostocism, Buddhism and other paths. So many are called to Native American ceremony, we have one women teaching us to make dream catchers and a man coming soon to teach us drum making. He studied this craft over in the states and ceremony was a part of his initiation. We are very excited over his arrive.

Please make allowances for my spelling mistakes the curser on this site or maybe it is my computer has a live and well gremlin wreaking havoc. I have to go slow or else I become the new Shakespear creating a new language.Anne. Ph.D