Global Resonance Network

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From: Bruce Schuman
Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 1:57 PM
Subject: Concert at Wood Glen Hall
Reply to: 263427
ID: 263446


Maybe -- it is not entirely clear, dear Elizabeth -- that you posted this message to the "Global Resonance Network" -- without mentioning that your concert is to be given in Santa Barbara -- and the reply you received was sent from the Netherlands.....

I am listening to one of your myspace pieces -- very nice, very flowing...

a little like clare de lune, a little like erik satie.... (??)

If we are reaching for "universal communion" as mediated over the internet -- maybe we can connect in some deep way -- without physically being on the same continent....

Alamar & Foothill -- in Santa Barbara, California, USA, North America, Western Hemisphere, Planet Earth, Solar System, Our Galaxy....

---- On Mon, Aug 18, 2008, Elizabeth Anne Middleton wrote ---

I think you will enjoy the music! I write about water, trees, people, special places and happenings.

We live here on the earth, creating a Space of Love . . .

Elizabeth Anne

---- On Sun, Aug 17, 2008, SĀ“ace g root wrote ---

Great to Announce this Here, ElizaBeth Anne!

i will note it in my agenda in order to interconnect on the sphere you are orchestrating ...

curious i am concerning the Frequency Standard you set on that Piano ( is it A440 )?

anyhow i listened to the nice tones meshing beauty into my earthly vessel ;-)




O ... mega

---- On Sun, Aug 17, 2008, Elizabeth Anne Middleton wrote ---

I wish to invite everyone to a piano concert at Wood Glen Hall, 6:30 pm, August 25, 2008. Wood Glen Hall is located on the SE corner of Alamar and Foot Hill Road. Admission is free.

The program will consist of selections from my recordings for solo acoustic grand piano. I am currently composing music for my seventh CD, "Dreaming the World."

If you have any questions, call me at 805-284-1023, or email


